(All Reviews) Page 9) Sightseeing / Guided Tours, Big Island tours & activities, fun things to do in Big Island | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Sightseeing / Guided Tours in Big Island

Overall Rating

4.85 4.85 / 5


401 reviews

World Botanical Gardens & Waterfall Walking Tour [Open Soon]

Beautiful and wild property

Reviewed by: Christina

I absolutely recommend the self-guided walking tour if you're in the area. The property is huge- seriously you can explore for hours! There was a cute little farmers market happening with live music as well. Absolutely make a trip up to the Kamaee falls at the top of the property- the views were breathtaking. The hedge maze was fun and fairly challenging- it took us a good 30 minutes to get out. The gardens are a bit rugged at some parts which adds to their natural beauty- just be careful when traversing the river trails, they're narrow and slippery but worth the view. Also watch out for spider webs! Overall, really beautiful area of the island and worth spending some time in!

  • The smaller falls on the river trail

  • Just a real neat plant

  • The view from the Kamaee Falls

Packages: Self-Guided Tour (Day Pass)
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/12/13
Activity Date: 2018/11/27

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Awesome tour and special thanks to Awana for being an awesome Guide during entire journey and make it a memorable one

Reviewed by: Jitendra Shrivastav

Awesome tour and special thanks to Awana for being an awesome Guide during entire journey and make it a memorable one

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/12/01
Activity Date: 2018/11/27

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Best Tour of the Island

Reviewed by: Phil P

Great way to spend a day and learn about the Big Island. If you are lucky enough to have Keith Mowibski as your guide the tour gets better by 10X. He is knowledgeable about the history of the island like no ones business. Can’t say enough good things about this tour.

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/11/24
Activity Date: 2018/11/21

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Great day, seen and learned lots

Reviewed by: Anne Veghel

We had a great time and seen so many sights! Our guide Brett had great knowledge and could answer all questions.
Because we had extra time we got to see the rainbow falls and got to go into a lava cave. Sadly the stargazing didn't happen due to clouds and rain.
Snacks, water and food were all plenty and good. Especially dinner at kilauea lodge was excellent, be it a bit rushed.
After the recent eruptions there was no lava activity, but we can only imagine how much more beautiful the sites would be with active lava flows.

  • beautiful landscape at volcano park

Packages: Deluxe Volcano Tour
Attended as: Friends
Posted on: 2018/11/21
Activity Date: 2018/11/14

Twilight Volcano Tour with Stargazing, Black Sand Beach & Coffee Farm

大島一日旅遊: Big Island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner (from Kona) / Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour

Reviewed by: Fang Xing

我在計畫大島旅行前,從網站搜尋到其他人的分享,其中有許多人推薦從www.hawaiiactivies.com訂購行程,在大島的第一天抬頭看見星星已經吸引了我,我決定找一個可以看星星的行程。我們不打算租車,因此以有接送的行程為優先考量,11/08 我們試著在網上訂 Big island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner 的行程,這個行程包含接送,午晚餐!另外的優惠就是在行程後發文分享,可以有一位的50%退款反回! 當我們試著在網上訂這個行程,因為沒有找到小孩的訂購選項,而直接打電話由Ms. Nunia 協助,她在跟技術 部門溝通也確定多恩的年紀可以參加後,她打電話回覆我們,協助我們訂購2大一小(3Y5M) 的全日遊,謝謝她的幫助!第一次與這個公司交涉留下很好的印象!
11/10 我們的司機Chris 準時來接我們,在去接第二組客人時,他為我們講解沿路火山與海灘的景色,他是在這出生有少部分夏威夷原住民的血統,能遇到當地長大的居民做為我們的導遊,真是幸運!他從開始到行程結束始終掛著笑容為我們服務!
第一站是Kona 咖啡園: 在這裡我們繞了一圈咖啡園,可惜的是因為是周末,只有兩個烘培機器運轉著,途中還看見了Lava Tube,就是熔岩管,它是熔岩洞的一種,從這開始了對火山的認識。在這裡有各式免費咖啡的試飲,我試了Kona coffee medium roast 與有夏威夷豆口味所混合夏威夷咖啡,各有不同的風味!Chris 為我們在桌上準備了午餐,是亞洲式午餐有日本紫薯,魚片,雞肉與白飯,配上Kona的各式果汁! 是亞洲人喜歡的口味!
第二站到了黑沙灘看海龜:Chris 雖然不能保證是否看到海龜,一下車往海灘的方向,但我們非常期待,拉著兒子的小手往沙灘前進,踩在黑沙灘上是很特別的經驗,黑沙灘的沙是冷卻的岩漿經過風力與海水沖刷而成的,沙的顆粒很小摸起來很舒服,不過一會兒就看見一隻烏龜在沙灘上休息著,大家太过興奮靠近時,被在沙灘上的救生員喊ˇ著說”請給烏龜足夠的空間"! 在這地方有標示牌請大家給他們至少30ft 的空間,不可餵食也不可觸摸!在這片黑沙灘上是開著荷花的池塘,和諧地與海邊的景色共存著,非常美麗的景色.雖然只看見一隻海龜,還是非常值得.
第三站: 一連串的火山探險之旅,首先來到火山國家公園,Chris 分享著他在前幾個夜間所拍的照片,火紅的岩漿從洞口發出,非常驚人的景色,目前能見到的是火山停止噴發後不斷地發出的煙,這時候已經來到熱帶雨林區,天氣涼爽許多,再加上小雨落下,景色非常的特別,從海邊到山上,溫度驟降,但是貼心的Chris為大家準備了外套與雨衣,不需要擔心沒有帶外套,唯一的建議是要穿包腳的鞋子!
再來去看了crater lookout, steam vests,sea Arch 還有Chains of Craters Road.分別是火山口,蒸氣口,海邊拱門,最後在僅存的舊道路上欣賞熔岩經過的歷史痕跡! 如此接近因火山活動而產生變化的自然奇景,是來到大島時一定要參加的行程! 當我們站在舊有的道路上轉身往後一看在高處則是近期因火山活動留下的黑色的痕跡,在這Chris 找出各式不一樣型態的殘留物,仔細講解著,真的是更認識了大島!
第四站:在最後一站觀星之前,我們到了Lava Cafe享用晚餐,當魚補獲的魚排餐,牛仔骨分別配上土豆尼與白飯,兒子吃的是炒粉,免費的飲料,大家都吃得很飽! 估計是全車的亞洲客人而特別預備的餐點,接著到了Mauna Kea State Park 觀星,
一下車就已經能清楚看見滿天的星斗,透過Chris 架設的高倍望遠鏡看到了火星,邱比特星跟月球.同行有人看見了流星!

Packages: Buy One & Get One $50 Off! - Limited Time Offer!
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/11/19
Activity Date: 2018/11/10

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge


Reviewed by: Loretta

We had an amazing tour.
The view of the volcano was amazing. The nature could be so destructive and beautifull

Our guide was there for us am answer all ours questions.

The diner included was in a nice restaurant and the playe were very good.

I recommend this avtivities and don't worry about the volcano. It's a very nice tour

  • Kilauea crater

Packages: Route #2 - Coffee Farm, Black Sand Beach & Volcano
Attended as: Friends
Posted on: 2018/11/17
Activity Date: 2018/11/14

Twilight Volcano Tour with Stargazing, Black Sand Beach & Coffee Farm

大島一日旅遊: Big Island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner (from Kona) / Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour

Reviewed by: Fang Xing

我在計畫大島旅行前,從網站搜尋到其他人的分享,其中有許多人推薦從www.hawaiiactivies.com訂購行程,在大島的第一天抬頭看見星星已經吸引了我,我決定找一個可以看星星的行程。我們不打算租車,因此以有接送的行程為優先考量,11/08 我們試著在網上訂 Big island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner 的行程,這個行程包含接送,午晚餐!另外的優惠就是在行程後發文分享,可以有一位的50%退款反回! 當我們試著在網上訂這個行程,因為沒有找到小孩的訂購選項,而直接打電話由Ms. Nunia 協助,她在跟技術 部門溝通也確定多恩的年紀可以參加後,她打電話回覆我們,協助我們訂購2大一小(3Y5M) 的全日遊,謝謝她的幫助!第一次與這個公司交涉留下很好的印象!
11/10 我們的司機Chris 準時來接我們,在去接第二組客人時,他為我們講解沿路火山與海灘的景色,他是在這出生有少部分夏威夷原住民的血統,能遇到當地長大的居民做為我們的導遊,真是幸運!他從開始到行程結束始終掛著笑容為我們服務!
第一站是Kona 咖啡園: 在這裡我們繞了一圈咖啡園,可惜的是因為是周末,只有兩個烘培機器運轉著,途中還看見了Lava Tube,就是熔岩管,它是熔岩洞的一種,從這開始了對火山的認識。在這裡有各式免費咖啡的試飲,我試了Kona coffee medium roast 與有夏威夷豆口味所混合夏威夷咖啡,各有不同的風味!Chris 為我們在桌上準備了午餐,是亞洲式午餐有日本紫薯,魚片,雞肉與白飯,配上Kona的各式果汁! 是亞洲人喜歡的口味!
第二站到了黑沙灘看海龜:Chris 雖然不能保證是否看到海龜,一下車往海灘的方向,但我們非常期待,拉著兒子的小手往沙灘前進,踩在黑沙灘上是很特別的經驗,黑沙灘的沙是冷卻的岩漿經過風力與海水沖刷而成的,沙的顆粒很小摸起來很舒服,不過一會兒就看見一隻烏龜在沙灘上休息著,大家太过興奮靠近時,被在沙灘上的救生員喊ˇ著說”請給烏龜足夠的空間"! 在這地方有標示牌請大家給他們至少30ft 的空間,不可餵食也不可觸摸!在這片黑沙灘上是開著荷花的池塘,和諧地與海邊的景色共存著,非常美麗的景色.雖然只看見一隻海龜,還是非常值得.
第三站: 一連串的火山探險之旅,首先來到火山國家公園,Chris 分享著他在前幾個夜間所拍的照片,火紅的岩漿從洞口發出,非常驚人的景色,目前能見到的是火山停止噴發後不斷地發出的煙,這時候已經來到熱帶雨林區,天氣涼爽許多,再加上小雨落下,景色非常的特別,從海邊到山上,溫度驟降,但是貼心的Chris為大家準備了外套與雨衣,不需要擔心沒有帶外套,唯一的建議是要穿包腳的鞋子!
再來去看了crater lookout, steam vests,sea Arch 還有Chains of Craters Road.分別是火山口,蒸氣口,海邊拱門,最後在僅存的舊道路上欣賞熔岩經過的歷史痕跡! 如此接近因火山活動而產生變化的自然奇景,是來到大島時一定要參加的行程! 當我們站在舊有的道路上轉身往後一看在高處則是近期因火山活動留下的黑色的痕跡,在這Chris 找出各式不一樣型態的殘留物,仔細講解著,真的是更認識了大島!
第四站:在最後一站觀星之前,我們到了Lava Cafe享用晚餐,當魚補獲的魚排餐,牛仔骨分別配上土豆尼與白飯,兒子吃的是炒粉,免費的飲料,大家都吃得很飽! 估計是全車的亞洲客人而特別預備的餐點,接著到了Mauna Kea State Park 觀星,
一下車就已經能清楚看見滿天的星斗,透過Chris 架設的高倍望遠鏡看到了火星,邱比特星跟月球.同行有人看見了流星!

  • sea orch

  • our tour guied-Chris

  • black sand beach

  • our shuttle

  • kona coffee

  • national volcano park

Packages: Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/11/13
Activity Date: 2018/11/10

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Amazing tour!

Reviewed by: Nivy

The tour was amazing, scenic and very informative. Our tour guide, Ryan was very friendly and considerate and we enjoyed the tour a lot. Would definitely recommend to a friend.

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/10/31
Activity Date: 2018/10/28

Deluxe Volcano Unveiled Tour and Golden Lava Cave Expedition [Not Available]

Private Lava Tube is the Highlight!!!!!

Reviewed by: Nunia T.

This was the greatest experience ever! Our tour guide Justin was very knowledgeable and informative with every guests questions and the history of the island. We first drove to Mauna Kea Park and the weather was just perfect! Clear skies and a beautiful breeze. Once we arrived to the Volcano National Park, it was so nice to see the park reopened again. Beautiful scenery and but what took the cake was the private lava tube that only this activity provider has access to which definitely makes up for the fact that Thurston Lava Tube is still closed. The lava tube was breathtaking and the deeper you go in, the more treasure you unveil. THIS IS A MUST DO!!!

Packages: Test Package
Attended as: Solo Travelers
Posted on: 2018/10/26

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Complete boss island tour

Reviewed by: David

Drew was exceptional at telling story and being flexible with peoples preference. The lunch provided was good and the scenery was beautiful with highlights everywhere including Turtles, waterfalls, rainbows and Waipo Valley.

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/10/25
Activity Date: 2018/10/22

Private Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Tour from Hilo

Perfect Private Tour

Reviewed by: D Booth, Minnesota

Veltra arranged a private volcano tour for my wife and I. Lee with Wild Orchid did a fantastic job bringing to life the impact of volcanic activity into the daily life of those living on Hawaii.

Packages: 6-Hour Private SUV (Up to 7 passengers)
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/10/19
Activity Date: 2018/10/16

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Big Island Circle tour

Reviewed by: Kay

Awana, our guide was absolutely wondetful. He was so courteous, professional and accommodating. We thoroughly enjoyed the tour. I think we best part besides the scenery, was the Hawaii Botanical Garden. It wasn’t user friendly, due to some health conditions, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and could have spent a lot more time there. Awana got us back to the airport to catch our flight in record time, after a long day.

  • Wondetful tour with beautiful sites along the way.

  • Beautiful spot on tour.

  • Black sand beach. Great tour! We highly recommend.

Packages: Grand Circle Island + Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/09/20
Activity Date: 2018/09/17

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Great Tour Guide may this an educational + exciting volcano

Reviewed by: Albert

We had a Wonderful Tour Guide who gave an education about Volcanoes and the local communities in Hilo. Now that the Volcano has erupted and in the news, I can tell friends back home about my special day visiting the Volcano.

Packages: Route #1 - Rainbow Falls, Hilo Town & Volcano
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/09/02
Activity Date: 2018/01/25

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

The Grand Circle Island Tour

Reviewed by: Pat and family

A wonderful way to experience the diversity of the island. There were frequent stops with ample time to enjoy the site and/or walk the trails. Many foods to sample along the way and delicious lunch! Awana was an informed and entertaining guide who was flexible throughout the day to make sure we could get the best experience.

Packages: Grand Circle Island + Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/08/06
Activity Date: 2018/08/03

Mauna Kea Evening Stargazing & Daytime Solar Viewing Tour with Dinner

One of the highlights of our trip!

Reviewed by: Hawaiian First Timer

Husband and I throughly enjoyed the excursion! Our guide blew us away with his well rounded knowledge of the island, its geography and history. The coffee farm and meal were a special treat before an evening of stargazing.

  • Coffee Farm View

Packages: From Kona & Waikoloa - Solar Viewing & Stargazing with Dinner
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/07/24
Activity Date: 2018/07/20

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Good day trip option

Reviewed by: Deonna C.

We only had one day on the big island and wanted to see as much as possible. This tour takes you all the way around with multiple, although brief stops and several locations. Could omit the coffee tasting and spend more time on the black beach or at the falls.

Our guide, Keith, was full of history, folk lore and traditional information which was a big bonus.
If you want history and a good whirlwind tour of the island, this tour is for you.
Of note, lunch was provided and this service has its own chef who prepares the meals. Very healthy sampling of the typical fare at area restaurants, however, when it’s served in lieu of a cold sandwich and a picturesque park, it suddenly becomes one of the best meals of the vacation.

  • Black sand beaches

  • Flowers everywhere!

  • Yummy lunch

  • Black sand valley

  • Falls

  • Paradise

  • Amazing viewing area

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/07/12
Activity Date: 2018/07/09

Sacred Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park & Kona Farms Guided Tour

Drew was fantastic!!

Reviewed by: Avocado thief+2

Wow! We had the pleasure of taking the historic Kona tour with Drew. It was an amazing day! Drew has an energy and enthusiasm about the island that is infectious! He took us to beautiful spots that were advertised and even a few of his favorites that were off the beaten path a bit. The thing that stood out was the intricate knowledge of the historical significance of all the places that we went that Drew was able to share with us. I’ve been to a few of these spots before but never understood them as I do now and that’s all from our great guide. Drew, I hope you know that you shared with us a memory that we will all hold dear for life!

Packages: Waikoloa & Kohala Area Pick-up [until 12/31/2022]
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/06/10
Activity Date: 2018/06/08

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls


Reviewed by: Deborah

This was perfect to see the whole island. We were very fortunate to see lava. However,
We feel by 8 hrs we were ready to get off the bus and feel that the first hour or so could have been cut out

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/05/16
Activity Date: 2018/05/02

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Wonderful experience!

Reviewed by: Ms. V

Jim Carrey led our group on a wonderful adventure! He is a master story teller and an provided such detail in sharing the culture, sites and flavors of Hawaii.
The day was rainy but we were covered by umbrellas and deliciously warm coats that the tour provided. There were so many things to see and stories to be heard that the day was over way too quickly. Will most definitely do this tour again the next time we visit the Big Island and we will definitely ask for Jim Carrey to be our guide!

Packages: Route #1 - Rainbow Falls, Hilo Town & Volcano
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/05/01
Activity Date: 2018/04/26

Private VIP Tour & Volcanoes National Park After Dark (from Hilo)

Beautiful experience. Got so much to see and learn.

Reviewed by: AkshathaSriramprasad

Lee, our tour guide was super friendly. He also teaches at a local school hence has a great skill for storytelling. He not only showed us some pretty amazing stuff like live volcano, volcano tubes and the waterfalls, he also told us a lot about Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaiian culture, heritage and people.
If you are someone who wants to know more about all these places and the legends and stories associated with them, go for this tour. Lee has so much knowledge to share and we felt like school kids on excursion. He encourages questions and appreciates them too!
He showed us the Hokule'a which was in town for 2 weeks. And took us to the amazing Rama paintings exhibition. He gave us a brief tour of the town and showed us several historic sites and took us to the Volcano on time.
He customizes the tours based on your interests.
We had a great time and wish Lee and his family the best!

Reply from activity provider

Aloha folks....
Mahalo nui for the opportunity to be with you and your dynamic questions, curiosity and love for the island of Hawai'i.
Our intimate tour is the way we have specialized through the years. It has enabled us to have tours that are a constant
cultural and educational stimulus.
Please pay attention to Madame Pele through the national volcanoes' park website.
She is dancing and rumbling and shaking the island right now.
all blessings

Packages: 6-Hour Private SUV (Up to 7 passengers)
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/04/25
Activity Date: 2018/04/21

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge


Reviewed by: Mari

Our tour guide Grant was amazing and very knowledgeable! He made the experience so great! The tour was great you get to see a lot of the big island. I love waterfalls and the rainbow falls was breathtaking. The volcano view at night was so awesome I would totally do it again. Worth the money!

Packages: Route #1 - Rainbow Falls, Hilo Town & Volcano
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/04/21
Activity Date: 2018/04/18

Private VIP Tour & Volcanoes National Park After Dark (from Hilo)

Best part of our week long trip

Reviewed by: Erica

Spent a week in Hawaii and this was the best thing we participated in! Lee, our guide, was extremely knowledgeable about Hilo and the volcanoes. We saw waterfalls, black sand beaches, and of course the volcano. Our 9 year old son could have climbed on lava rock all day! Wish we could have spent more time in the park itself, but we saw it all in 6 hours!! Well worth the money to do a private tour. Even had a picnic sitting amongst old lava flows!

Reply from activity provider

Aloha ohana of a junior ranger!
Yes, the weather changes all the time and the guide can be guided by the weather and local happenings.
It has rained for nearly 3 weeks know and very little sun,
However, the 'liquid sunshine' is refreshing; everything is so green and the magma is rolling about.
the island of Hawai'i is alive.
thank you for sharing with us.

Packages: 6-Hour Private SUV (Up to 7 passengers)
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/04/15
Activity Date: 2018/04/12

Private VIP Tour & Volcanoes National Park After Dark (from Hilo)

OMG Lee is an amazing guide and host

Reviewed by: The Ertl Family

We went on the tour and when we saw it was pouring rain we were worried. Well, never fear with Lee as your guide. We saw so much and learned so much it was crazy. My 15 and 10 year old have been talking all the next day about what a nice and knowledgable person he is. When we hugged goodbye with someone who was a stranger 6 hours earlier, it was hard to leave. He was able to weave the incredible history of Hawaii throughout our trip by tyin flowers, lava, Hawaiian history, and his own story together to make an amazing tale we will NEVER FORGET. I highly recommend spending a day with Lee!

Reply from activity provider

aloha ohana of adventure...wow. thank you for your energy and interest as we made our way through sunshine liquid that makes rainbows.
every tour is different. the weather is different. the lava flo, the ocean currents; the waves of wind and sea.
mahalo nui for sharing the most beautiful element of Hawai'i: change.

Packages: 6-Hour Private SUV (Up to 7 passengers)
Attended as: Families with Young Children
Posted on: 2018/04/04
Activity Date: 2018/04/02

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Best day of the trip

Reviewed by: Brandon M

The day itself started with a local Kona coffee plantation visit that included how the coffee trees are grown, picked, sorted, and roasted. Next stop was a roadside fruit stand where we were introduced to some island fruits and veggies. There was a good drive to the furthest south bakery in the U.S. where our tour guide Grant filled the drive time giving us the layout of the island. From there we visited a black sands beach and looked out for sea turtles. After the beach, we headed to Volcano Park to see the volcano during day light hours and checkout the Dr Jagger museum. Then the dinner... food was good and we had a chance to talk to other members on the tour. This led to the sun setting and the final activity... the volcano at night. The glow of the cauldron is amazing in of itself, but Grant pulled out a telescope and we not only got a close up view of the spattering lava, he also was able to record it on our phones!
Grant was a phenomenal tour guide! He was personable, full of facts and information, and delivered them in a fun, witty way. From the moment of being picked up, Grant was pointing plants and notable sights to the left and the right the entire time we were in the tour van.

Packages: Route #2 - Coffee Farm, Black Sand Beach & Volcano
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/04/04
Activity Date: 2018/04/01

Private Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Tour from Hilo

Private VIP Volcanoes National Park & Waterfalls Sightseeing Tour from Hilo #3973560

Reviewed by: Bill and Kathy

This was a tour which we will never forget! My husband, Bill and my brother Gary and his wife Deb thoroughly enjoyed this and Lee was the perfect guide. He was very knowledgeable about the culture and being a native new the area well. He answered all our questions an excellent host to us and friendly to everyone who we met on the way. He was also very personable and a family man talking about his family and sharing with us how he helps the children in his spare time on the island. He is a true asset to the company and to his heritage of the island. Taking a private tour is definitely worth your money and time spent on the island! Mahola! Lee

Reply from activity provider

Aloha folks! Wow, so much has happened here in Hawai'i, since we toured together. the 13 climates of the planet showed up;
we had an extra-ordinary range of weather : from monsoon rains with hail and rolling, crackling thunder from Mauna Kea and
Mauna loa. Then clear, blue quiet skies. rolling waterfalls and quiet heavens...and then thunder and lightning and wind from the sea...
Mahalo for the memories.

Packages: 6-Hour Private SUV (Up to 7 passengers)
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/04/01
Activity Date: 2018/03/05

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Must do volcano tour

Reviewed by: Pete

On Friday March 16th, 2018 my family and I attended the Deluxe Volcano Night Lava Viewing with Dinner at Kilauea Lodge & Stargazing Tour that also included the coffee trip to the Kona Joe Coffee Farm, Punaluu Bakery and the Black sand beach. To start, I have to say our guide Uncle Jim made the trip well worth the time and money we invested. He was prompt, courteous, knowledgeable and most of all both engaging and entertaining. From the history, folklore and ancient stories to the general knowledge of Hawaiian culture there was rarely a moment where we were not enjoying the tour. We started out from our resort and Jim began to answer our questions and tell us stories of the landscape (lava, terraforming and the effects of adding green spaces to the resorts on the climate) and a Captain Cook story. As we moved on and picked up the other guests the stories continued as he pointed out various points of interest and beaches we may want to visit on our own. Some great aspect to the tour were the mythical stories of the gods and goddesses and how they actually mirror what it believed to be the realities of the Hawaiian Islands today. Each of the stops we made were better than promised, lunch and dinner were both great and Uncle Jim having a telescope for the night time volcano viewing was great. Some of the highlights from our perspective were walking down a lava tube, walking through the steam vents, picturesque picnic lunch and the gathering of stones to gift to the volcano later in the day with a chant led by Uncle Jim. And I can’t forget the smell of the Huli Huli chicken BBQ that he teased us with that I never did actually get back to try, maybe on our next visit. I would recommend this as a must do tour on your trip to the big island and ask for Uncle Jim, he will make the tour that much better.

Packages: Buy One, Get One! Route #2 - Coffee Farm, Black Sand Beach & Volcano
Attended as: Families with Young Children
Posted on: 2018/03/27
Activity Date: 2018/03/16

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge


Reviewed by: Jenn

Hands down the best tour on the Big Island. Brett was our tour guide and he was fantastic. Informative, funny, friendly, professional, he went above and beyond to make the experience amazing. Seeing the volcano at night is something everyone must do, but having a tour makes it much more enjoyable. This tour included seeing rainbow falls, Big Island Candy Co, lunch, and several spots at the Volcano National Park and a very nice dinner. 100% worth it.

Packages: Route #1 - Rainbow Falls, Hilo Town & Volcano
Attended as: Friends
Posted on: 2018/02/20
Activity Date: 2018/02/17

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls


Reviewed by: Alexis Albert

Our tour was AMAZING!! Our tour driver was Nathan or Nate. He was awsome!!
They pick you up at your hotel, which is super convenient! The tour group can fit up to 12 people. So it is nice and small. Our group was super fun and Nate was very informative and talked to us about everything and anything he could! The van is nice and clean and not to mention Eco friendly! It rained alittle, and they had raincoats for everyone just in case.They provide bento lunch for everyone. We actually had 2 vegans in our group and Nate was very caring and took them to a nearby grocery store, so they could pick up a few things to eat since they could not eat much from the bento. Nate not only took us to the places mentioned, but he also drove by a few other places he thought our group would like! He was AMAZING!! This tour was so much fun, the sights were beautiful and very informative!

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Families
Posted on: 2018/02/20
Activity Date: 2018/02/08

Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

So much fun!!

Reviewed by: Jobin McGooch

From the amazing sunset to seeing lava jumping in the caldera to the unexpected rainbow at sunset, all of the scenery was beautiful. Our tour guide, Brett, was outstanding. He had fantastic knowledge of the island, answered everyone's questions, and was really funny/entertaining. His stories of Hawaiian folklore while driving between stops were great. Overall, the day was great! I would definitely recommend booking this tour.

  • Walking in the lava tube!

Packages: Route #1 - Rainbow Falls, Hilo Town & Volcano
Attended as: Couples
Posted on: 2018/01/23
Activity Date: 2018/01/12

Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Experience of a lifetime

Reviewed by: Leah

This tour was life changing for me! Such an awesome experience to really see the island and have someone guide you through it so you really understand what you're seeing and the history behind it.

Tour guide was Chris who was excellent. He has a real gift for this, and you can tell he is truly passionate and loves what he does. Makes the tour feel more real and less like show and tell or reading from a script. 10/10 highly recommended tour.

Tour provides you with all the comforts you need for the day so you're never hungry, cold, or unsure of where a clean bathroom is. Even had plugs for you to charge your phone although I had a portable charger with me that day which I recommend for any trip.

  • Rainbow falls

  • Volcano park crater

  • Black sand beach (yes there were turtles!)

  • Waipi'o valley lookout

  • Rainbow falls lookout

  • Akaka falls park

Packages: Grand Circle Island & Volcanoes National Park
Attended as: Solo Travelers
Posted on: 2017/12/24
Activity Date: 2017/12/21
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