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All Reviews for Waikiki Beach Things to Do in Oahu

Overall Rating

4.44 4.44 / 5


13344 reviews

Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

Interesting experience

Reviewed by: Connie F, 2016/06/29

My group consisted of a party of 6 prepaid guests. 4 riders and 2 observers. I was surprised and disappointed when one of the female staff convinced us that one of our observers should not attempt to get into the boat and in fact went out of her way to tell her she should not go. She went back to the car to wait for us and we were all extremely disappointed when we saw that you could step right in and out of the boat. The parasailing experience was fine. Upon our return the driver of the boat announced that we were going to stop and attempt to help another boater who had gotten stuck during low tide. Definitely a nice gesture on his part but when he had all of the males from our boat climb onto the other boat and stand on the high edge for ballast I felt he went a little too far!! Especially considering one was a 14 year old boy...nothing like opening yourself up to a lawsuit if someone had been hurt!! After 3 failed attempts to dislodge the other boat we were finally returned to the dock. I am all for being a good samaratin but in the future I suggest Hawaiian Parasail return their paying customers to the dock and go back on their own time to rescue boaters.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/20
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Honolulu Afternoon Sailing Cruise from Waikiki Beach - Maitai Catamaran

Just the best, and a bargain too!

Reviewed by: Devin Nordson, 2016/06/29

Maita'i Catamaran is an easy cheap way to enjoy a short sail off the coast of Waikiki. Their location is walkable from just about anywhere in Waikiki (which is only about 1.5 miles from east to west), and my family did a quick 90 minute sail. They allow 0-3 year olds on for free, so for my wife and son and I it was a real bargain.

Most boating trips pad your cost by including free booze (which can make you seasick, or might have disappointingly little effect if you are from higher altitudes), so I was glad to see it sold a la carte here (quite cheaply).

Crew was friendly and approachable, and we got to be on a boat in paradise. They use their motor to get to and from shore efficiently, but most of the time the motor is off and they are just sailing, which is ideal. We saw a dolphin and 2 sea turtles too.

I just feel bad that between making sure my 3-year old got off safely and remembering all of our things I totally forgot to tip them. Hopefully this review will help. Book them now!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2016/06/26
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: YOSHI, 2016/06/27


  • 良かったです。

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2016/06/17
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サンセット・ディナーセーリング スピリット・オブ・アロハ号 <金曜日限定/ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発>


Reviewed by: きーくん, 2016/06/26


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/24
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: Y&K, 2016/06/26


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/05
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


Reviewed by: RIRI, 2016/06/26


Comments from activity operators



Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/13
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: shimi, 2016/06/26


  • サーファーと波

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/23
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セーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: JJツアーズ, 2016/06/26


  • コバルトブルーの美しい海

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/05/31
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

Under the ses

Reviewed by: Jeannette , 2016/06/25

Loved the submarine your. Crew was organized and moved the large crowd well into the submarine. Beautiful fish and turtles were awesome to see!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/04
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: Audia8jun, 2016/06/25


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2016/06/04
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: ゆめX2, 2016/06/25


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/05
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パラセーリング 5歳~参加OK!高さ150m/130m/110mの3種類 人気のカカアコまで徒歩圏内!ツアー後にショッピングや食事も楽しめる<ケワロ湾>


Reviewed by: とみぃ, 2016/06/25


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2015/09/21
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

Great experiences

Reviewed by: Jazmine, 2016/06/24

It was such a sight to see. The two men were very polite and helpful. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/21
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


Reviewed by: m&s, 2016/06/24


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/21
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サンセットセーリング マイタイ・カタマラン号 ビールやシャンパン、ハワイアンカクテルなどオープンバーでの飲み放題付き!<シェラトン・ワイキキ発>


Reviewed by: かずちゃん, 2016/06/24


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/21
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


Reviewed by: ピッピちゃん, 2016/06/22


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2016/05/27
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Hawaiian Parasailing Tour & Adventure from Waikiki Beach [800ft & 1000ft Lines]

Great Adventure!!!

Reviewed by: Paul, 2016/06/21

My family and I could not have been any happier with the level of service and quality of excellence this adventure provided us! All the staff were friendly(especially our driver) and professional which made parasailing even better. We did the 300ft line and next time we are going all the way to 1000! Thanks so much and we definitely recommend them for any future parasailing trips you may have.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/19
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Waikiki Sunset Cocktail Sail with Open Bar Included - Holokai Catamaran

Older People Spooked

Reviewed by: Arnold, 2016/06/21

Group of people 69-86 years went out to do this and because a handful felt waters was not calm elected not to do this. I was notwith them but had done it in the past and found it to be enjoyable

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2016/06/17
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Cruise with Crab Legs, Steak & Chicken Dinner and Show

Must Do Again

Reviewed by: Arnold, 2016/06/21

This is a very nice cruise for the package you choose and the staff very friendly. My group of 21 had nothing but praise for the Crableg and steak package we chose. Water was calm and the cruise directors made you feel part of the activity by having everyone get involved.

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2016/06/18
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Star of Honolulu Sunset Buffet Dinner Cruise & Live Entertainment - Great Value!

Good experience

Reviewed by: Siva Mannem, 2016/06/20

Had a good experience at veltra cruise dinner on 2016 may 26.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2016/05/26
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パラセイリング 高さ120m/150m ワイキキとダイアモンドヘッドの絶景を上空から鑑賞!<ヒルトン・ワイキキ>


Reviewed by: ソネットくん, 2016/06/20


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2015/09/16
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: みっちゃん, 2016/06/20


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/05
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サンセット・ディナークルーズ  スターオブホノルル号 ライブショーと選べるビュッフェ/コースディナー付き


Reviewed by: みっちゃん, 2016/06/20


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/03
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Captain Tiger's Waikiki Daytime and Sunset Bottom Fishing Cruise [Closed]

The actual boat crew was great, the company's customer service not so much

Reviewed by: Emi, 2016/06/20

Veltra was great; thanks for working with me. However, since I wasn't given the company's phone number (955-FISH) on my voucher, I wasn't sure where exactly to check in. Also my voucher said check in at 11:45 and there was no one at the kiosk I suspected was the right one when I arrived a few minutes before the stated check in time. I called the local number on the voucher and connected with someone who was something of a grouch. I told him I wasn't sure I was in the right place and the response was "The signs are gigantic, 955-FISH, there is no way you could miss it" and his tone of voice implied I must be stupid or something for not finding it. I mentioned there was no one there and was told, "Well that's because you're twenty minutes early." "My voucher says 11:45." "You're twenty minutes early." Someone finally arrived at the kiosk at about 12:15. At least the on-board crew was not as rude. They were patient and helpful with my children and displayed an excellent sense of humor, and for those reasons I was able to overlook the fact they did not have enough food for everyone.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/17
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

Atlantis Submarine tour, Waikiki

Reviewed by: Richard Rockwell, 2016/06/19

Had a wonderful time. Got to check-in early and was offered an earlier eight AM ride as they held the boat for us. Turned out to be a blessing as there was fewer patrons and more windows. Guide was friendly and extremely entertaining. A must for anyone visiting the island for something very different.

  • Great below water fun

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/16
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Segway of Hawaii Waikiki, Kapiolani Park & Diamond Head Sunset Tour

Great tour!!

Reviewed by: Callie, 2016/06/19

First time to do a segway tour. Staff was great. They take the time to make sure you know how to ride the segway before heading out on the tour. Really liked that group sizes are small to allow for personal interaction with guide and have more of conversation rather than being talked at. Our guide was very knowledgeable and friendly and took the time to take photos for us at the scenic spots. Overall great experience.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2016/06/18
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Hawaii Nautical Waikiki Deluxe Snorkel with Turtles Tour from Kewalo Harbor

Snorkeling and Turtle Spotting with supplied lunch

Reviewed by: Mark, 2016/06/19

We were delighted with this activity.

Nick the Captain and his 2 crew were excellent hosts, safety conscious and went out of their way to make the cruise enjoyable for the 2 couples on board. Normally there would be a few more people on the cruise but we lucked it that day

The cruise consists of a 15-20 minute cruise in a catamaran to an area well off Waikiki Beach known as a spot where Turtles come to have parasites removed by fish.

We then went snorkeling (flotation vests supplied and mandatory to use). One of the 3 crew on board was in the water acting as a guide and safety person. He quickly located some turtles and directed us to them. We saw numerous turtles, some small, some larger in the water below us and on the surface.

After the snorkeling we had the supplied lunch, basic but adequate although the bread rolls were a bit stale. Free soft drinks and 2 free alcoholic drinks if you wanted them included.

Then the crew set the sails and we cruised around up towards Diamond Head before heading back to port. All up a great trip and worth doing, recommended.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/15
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Honolulu Afternoon Sailing Cruise from Waikiki Beach - Maitai Catamaran


Reviewed by: Shenice, 2016/06/19

Absolutely amazing cruise. The deinks were great. Nice captain & DJ. I really enjoyed it.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2016/06/16
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X-Treme Watersports - Honolulu Jet Ski Rental Ride Adventures


Reviewed by: Jen, 2016/06/18

Would do it again. Had 3 young children 8, 9, 10yo and 4 adults. Everyone loved it and 30 min was plenty of time.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2016/05/23
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Waikiki Sunset Cocktail Sail with Open Bar Included - Holokai Catamaran

Enjoyed myself

Reviewed by: Queen, 2016/06/18

The only thing that I would suggest is a variety of different music playing while on the cruise (more up to date selections). Other than that, it is a good time.

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2016/05/28
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