(All Reviews) Page 18) Kaanapali Beach (Top Hawaii Attractions), Hawaii tours & activities, fun things to do in Hawaii | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Kaanapali Beach in Hawaii

Overall Rating

4.71 4.71 / 5


559 reviews

West Maui Helicopter Tour & Molokai Flight - Valleys, Waterfalls & Sea Cliffs

WOW Waterfalls

Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/07/18

We went on the West Maui Deluxe tour, and all I have to say is WOW! And....WATERFALLS!

I just couldn't look away, I barely let myself blink the entire time....I was so worried I would miss something. A magical flight...so much beauty! Maui is now my favorite island!

Attended as: Couples
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Private Fishing & Water Sports Custom Adventure from Lahaina [Closed]


Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/07/01

Having a boat at your disposal, and just for your family's use is incredible! We felt like kings! The kids chose to use the bumper tubes and whoosh around the water and the wake of the boat. I took so many great pictures of them just laughing their heads off!

What a great time to have been able to share with the kids! My husband and I could not have asked for better! And I caught a few rides too!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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Kupanaha Magic Dinner Show at Kaanapali Beach Hotel


Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2011/07/01

When I heard "Magic Show" I was not thrilled...but my husband insisted it would be fun, and my kids sounded excited, so I decided to take one for the team and go along. And I am really glad i did.

The kids just couldn't get enough of the illusions and magic...I adored the hula dancers...and my husband, well, my husband was just happy the kids weren't killing each other I think! Although he did say the illusions were unreal!

The food was great for us because I am a vegetarian (tofu was offered) and my husband loves fish...they even had a kids menu that the kids actually ate. Thanks for a great memory for our family.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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UFO Parasailing Tour from Kaanapali Beach (May - Dec) [Closed]

Better Than Expected

Reviewed by: Jared, 2011/05/23

The crew was so nice. Everything was very enjoyable about this adventure! We originally planned to do just the 600 feet and then changed to 1200 once we saw another couple go up. It was great!

Attended as: Couples
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Great Food and Entertainment

Reviewed by: Jared, 2011/05/18

We were staying at the Royal Lahaina, so we got to hear another Luau on another night... It was a little different than the Luau we attended, which I think is nice because it makes it a unique experience!

The food was great. I highly recommend getting the "speed pass" for an additional $15 at the door and arriving early to get the best seats! It's well worth the additional money :-)

Attended as: Couples
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui

Engineering Tech

Reviewed by: Ken from TN, 2010/12/27

Been to 4 luaus in 3 visits to the islands and this is by far the best one.

Attended as: Couples
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui

Drums of the Pacific

Reviewed by: Florida Vacationer, 2010/11/18

We arrived at the Hyatt location promptly and had to stand outside in lines instead of being seated and served a cocktail as we expected. It was like being in line at a Disney Park. We expected more from such a small venue at such a large price. The performers were excellent. Staff sucked.

Attended as: Families
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui

It did the trick...

Reviewed by: The Marshalls, 2010/08/16

For my kids first time in Maui I wanted them to experience a true Luau. We didn't want to pay the price that the Old Lahaina Luau charged (even though we had been to it on our honeymoon and loved it, and everyone always says its the best one on Maui) so we went to the Hyatt. I was disappointed that it was on concrete with the stage so far away, after we waited in the rain and sunny heat (yes at the same time!) in line for 45 minutes! The mai-tai's were not very strong either and we wanted to get the most bang for our buck. On the other hand, the show was entertaining enough, the staff was very friendly, and we met a lovely family from Tokyo, so we all had a great time. The fire dancers were a big hit! I thought the food was EXCELLENT, especially for such a large buffet, and my kids really enjoyed the whole thing. For the price, it was a decent deal since one of my kids was free, but I think The Old Lahaina Luau is the only way I would go if I had it to do over again.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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Kaanapali Deluxe Snorkeling Cruise with Breakfast, Lunch & Drinks - Trilogy

what a blast!

Reviewed by: rscastro, 2010/08/03

we had so much fun and the crew takes such good good care of you.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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UFO Parasailing Tour from Kaanapali Beach (May - Dec) [Closed]

Wonderful experience

Reviewed by: Barry Parker, 2010/07/24

This was our second year in a row with UFO and we could not have been happier. Once again they made the experience one we won't forget for a long time. Paul and Mike were just terrific on the boat and my 16 year old granddaughter and her best friend had the time of thier lives. Thank you for a wonderful day.

Attended as: Families
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カアナパリ沖 セーリング&シュノーケリングツアー <英語ガイド/食事・アルコール2杯付き>


Reviewed by: くろぶた, 2010/07/12





Attended as: Couples
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Kaanapali Deluxe Snorkeling Cruise with Breakfast, Lunch & Drinks - Trilogy

Best Experience Ever!

Reviewed by: Joe and Stephanie, 2010/06/18

We loved everything. The Snuba with Chad and the food and Sailing. The Crew made the entire experience great and took care of us from the start to the end. It was one of our best experiences on a Hawaiian Island, ever!

Attended as: Couples
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Great Show!

Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2010/06/02

It was awsome! The show and dancers were great! The food was delicious! Definitely do it again on a return trip. Can't go to Hawaii without a Luau and this one is perfect!!!

Attended as: Couples
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui

Fun Time

Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2010/04/09

A little bit corney, but fun nevertheless. I took my daughters to the show and they did enjoy it. This is not broadway and I doubt it has anything to do with Hawaiian culture, but iw was a fun time. All the dancers were great. The fire dance is obviously the big draw and it worth it.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Great experience and fun

Reviewed by: Vandana, 2010/02/22

This is firt time I attende the Luau. It was a great experience and fun. The food was wonderful, and the music was really out of this world. Kudos to all the hot and sexy dancers for showing the beauty of Polynecian culture. If get a chance, I'll attend this again and again. Thanks.

Attended as: Friends
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Great show!

Reviewed by: Liliya (Kyiv, Ukraine), 2010/01/19

We really liked the show. It was very interesting, funny and it will stay in my memory forever. I would recommend it to everyone!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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UFO Parasailing Tour from Kaanapali Beach (May - Dec) [Closed]

Fun and relaxing

Reviewed by: Charley D, 2009/10/29

We had a great time parasailing! The ride was a decent amount of time and the end was great (we were dipped/dragged through the water for 30 secs). UFO was friendly, fun, and professional. Two thumbs up!

Attended as: Couples
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伝統ルアウ&フラ ハワイアンショー マウイの神話 <優先入場VIP席あり/ビュッフェ夕食/飲み放題/ロイヤル・ラハイナ・リゾート>


Reviewed by: マック, 2009/08/16

09年8月9日に家族3人で参加しました。これまでワイキキでショーなど見てきましたが、野外で行われるルアウショーへの参加は初めてでした。参加者は本土の方や外国の方がほとんどで、この日参加した日本人は我々1組でした。東洋系の人が3%程度いますが、皆英語が流暢で、隣になった人達と英語でコミュニケートしています。私達も片言の英語でがんばり楽しみました。コミュニケーションは気持ちのもちようですから・・・。 ボーイさんへのチップの渡し方なども見様見真似で覚えました。ショーは夕暮れのオレンジに会場が色づくころ始まり、伝統的なフラからファイアーダンスまで素晴らしいショーだと思います。帰りは、タクシーが会場の外で待っているので、適当に声をかけて宿泊先のホテルまで送ってもらいました。いい思い出となりました。

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

overall pretty good, not spectactul

Reviewed by: honeymooner, 2009/08/04

Overall we had a pretty good time at the luau. The food was pretty good. Better than just decent, but not the best or anything. The hostess was great, very funny and sincere. Most of the luaus are sound pretty similar when you read the descriptions, but this also included unlimited drinks and was a little less expensive. The show itself seemed really short, because I was very intrigued by the different dances. Get there early! there was a long line, and they were sold out of the $15pp "VIP" option. i'm not really sure it's worth it anyway. you get up front seating and get in line for food first, but we had a decent view from our seats in the back and the food line went pretty quick! My mom used to dance hawaiian and tahitian, so i was familiar with costumes, props, etc and they seem pretty authentic.

Attended as: Couples
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui

Not the Best

Reviewed by: David, 2009/07/21

This was our 2nd luau during our trip. Unfortunately, it was only mediocre. With the setting beside a Hotel, it lacked any cultural flavor. The emcee was just that. We felt like we were watching a performer. The food was lack-luster but the performers were amazing ! The mai tais barely qualified as "cocktails". Would not recommend this luau unless it's your best choice for convenience.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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UFO Parasailing Tour from Kaanapali Beach (May - Dec) [Closed]


Reviewed by: Zooksters, 2009/06/02

Had a great time this was the first time for my family but our friends had gone once before. All of us really enjoyed it. Loved It! I thought I would be scared, but the crew made you feel very at ease with humor and professionalism. Would do it again!!!

Attended as: Families
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ラナイ島 シュノーケリングクルーズ  <1日2便/食事&アルコール2杯付き>


Reviewed by: miyachan1956, 2009/05/17


Attended as: Families with Young Children
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui


Reviewed by: Melissa, 2009/01/20

My best friend and I enjoyed watching all of the unique dances and the fire show was definitely a site to see!! Would love to see it again. The food was delicious too :)

Attended as: Families
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West Maui Helicopter Tour & Molokai Flight - Valleys, Waterfalls & Sea Cliffs

Molokai Explorer

Reviewed by: Molokai Bird, 2008/12/17

The sea cliffs on Molokai (the tallest in the world!) were just breathtaking. When I saw a waterfall not reaching the ground and instead disappearing into the air, I realized how high the cliffs were. You have to see this. It's once in a lifetime experience.

Some tips:

Don't forget to take motion sickness preventatives before the tour. My girlfriend got a little sick.

Wear black/dark clothes (long sleeves & pants). The reflection of yourself on the window can dramatically change the quality of pictures.

Other than that, DO THIS TOUR!

Attended as: Couples
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Myths of Maui Royal Lahaina Luau - Open Bar, Polynesian Dance & Fire Knife Show

Great Nightshow

Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2008/12/13

Me and my girlfriend loved it. We are talking about taking a hula lesson (if it's offered around bay area). The fire dancer guy was awesome. I bet that requires a lot of training.

We had a great time on this luau. Highly recommended.

Attended as: Couples
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui

Nice Experience and Good Food

Reviewed by: Val, 2008/10/11

This was great. Food was great and the whole productive was very professional. They even had the performers meet at back for pictures you were so inclined. I did notice they did take some pictures before going - unsure how that was because it seemed to be for another tour group/company. Of course, you paid for these separately. I didn't inquire what the requirement for the pictures was - but perhaps if you notice such, may be you will. Many people were celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. It was a nice time and the music seemed to be continual even while you ate. A nice way to end a stay in Hawaii and it ended in good time so that you weren't up all night packing for the next day's start of the return to the mainland.

Attended as: Friends
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UFO Parasailing Tour from Kaanapali Beach (May - Dec) [Closed]


Reviewed by: stinger on the rocks, 2008/10/01

From start to finish, this way to set up a activity is super. Will certainly use you again.

Attended as: Couples
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Maui Helicopter Tour - Haleakala Volcano & Hana Rainforest Waterfall Flight

Highlight of our Trip

Reviewed by: Mr. Anonymous, 2008/09/29

The Circle Island Flight was amazing! Especially, Viewing the Famous Haleakala from the Sky is Cool. I hightly recommend this Flight Tour to anyone who come to Maui!!

Attended as: Couples
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Kaanapali Deluxe Snorkeling Cruise with Breakfast, Lunch & Drinks - Trilogy

Trilogy Snorkel Dolphin Experience

Reviewed by: BoiseNP, 2008/08/18

My husband, 7 year old daughter and I attended the Trilogy Snorkel Cruise - Maui Discover Ka'anapali on Tuesday Aug 12th 2008.
We have both been snorkelers/divers since college in the early 90's, and were very happy with the tour.
The staff was professional, friendly, and full of history and knowledge of the area. The food was amazing, better than many of the restaurants on the island!
The first stop was incredible, lots of fish, coral and turtles. Our second stop was just around the corner but we were greeted by a pod of ~100 dolphins as we anchored. Lucky for us they stayed nearby and allowed us to swim toward them. Then amazingly they surrounded us and wild dolphins were everywhere, below us, to the sides, in front and behind. Swimming, jumping, and diving within an arms reach! This was truely a once in a lifetime experience and I am thankful to Trilogy for their care towards the environment and sincere connection with the sea.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
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Drums of the Pacific Luau with Open Bar at Kaanapali Hyatt Regency Maui


Reviewed by: Jackson, 2008/07/25

Great food and a Great Show. We were afraid a Luau would be tacky but this one exceeded our expectations! We were pleasantly surprised by the level of talent of the dancers and recommend this tour to anyone coming to Maui!

Attended as: Couples
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