(All Reviews) Page 44) Recommended for Kids 13-17 (Kids Friendly: Browse by Age), Big Island tours & activities, fun things to do in Big Island | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Recommended for Kids 13-17 in Big Island

Overall Rating

4.60 4.60 / 5


3284 reviews

Hawaii Zipline Tours - Big Island Waterfall & Rainforest Zip Adventure

Amazing and so much more!

Reviewed by: Kat, 2018/11/28

Had a great time and the staff are super rad! Recommend to anyone and everyone!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/25
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Mauna Kea Stargazing Tour Experience with Free Professional Photos - Epic Tours

We enjoyed the tour very much!

Reviewed by: Alice Chia-Hua Tsai, 2018/11/28

James was very knowledgeable and we did learn a lot about the big island. Walking in the lava cave was fun, don’t think you can do that elsewhere. The stargazing pictures he took was phenomenal! He even showed us how to take professional-looking pictures by just using iPhone! Definitely recommend this tour! You are gonna love it!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/21
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Kona Sunset Dinner Cruise to Kealakekua Bay with Live Entertainment | Body Glove

Excellent Dinner Cruise

Reviewed by: Mark, 2018/11/28

Our family attended the dinner cruise on Thanksgiving and we were not disappointed. The food and scenery were both excellent, and the tour guide was very knowledgeable and was able to answer questions. The music was also very good, and there was even some dancing during the return trip. Would highly recommend this trip during your stay on the Big Island.

Comments from activity operators

Aloha Mark,

Thanks so much for this review! We like to think we are a five-star operation, and always appreciate these affirmations! So nice to hear you had a wonderful time.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/22
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キラウエア火山 ヘリコプター遊覧 水~土曜日10:30限定で日本語パイロットのリクエスト可能<フライト100分/英語パイロット/ワイコロアヘリポート>


Reviewed by: TM0399, 2018/11/27


  • 今年噴火した後の陥没して広くなった火口

  • 噴煙を上げる火口

  • 岸壁に広がる無数の滝

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/23
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Keauhou Bay Manta Ray Night Dive Tour & Snorkel Adventure from Kona - Sea Quest

Great service and staff. Manta ray was spectacular but lots of waiting to see.

Reviewed by: Tim , 2018/11/26

Overall, great and once in a lifetime experience to see manta ray(s) up close. We also saw a reef shark and lots of schooling fish. Seaquest provides you with everything you need (wet suit, snorkel gear, etc.). You may leave your dry items on the boat (ie. valuables, phones). All you really need is a towel since it can get chilly after.

We saw one manta ray up close which was spectacular. The remainder of the snorkeling experience was a lot of waiting around and viewing other wildlife. Staff were kind and willing to help out with all our needs.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/20
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Keauhou Bay Manta Ray Night Dive Tour & Snorkel Adventure from Kona - Sea Quest

You must Snorkel with Manta Rays, and you must go with SeaQuest!

Reviewed by: Nick Weihs, 2018/11/24

This was an experience of a lifetime. The guys and girls and SeaQuest we're so helpful and made the night so much fun. They even called as we got a little turned around on the way there. Everything from getting aboard the boat to dropping off afterwards and everything in between was really easy. When in the water we had lots of Manta Ray sightings. They are enormous beautiful creatures! The crew was very knowledgeable and their passion shows! We would definitely do this night snorkel again on our next trip.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/23
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Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Best Tour of the Island

Reviewed by: Phil P , 2018/11/24

Great way to spend a day and learn about the Big Island. If you are lucky enough to have Keith Mowibski as your guide the tour gets better by 10X. He is knowledgeable about the history of the island like no ones business. Can’t say enough good things about this tour.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/21
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Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Great day, seen and learned lots

Reviewed by: Anne Veghel, 2018/11/21

We had a great time and seen so many sights! Our guide Brett had great knowledge and could answer all questions.
Because we had extra time we got to see the rainbow falls and got to go into a lava cave. Sadly the stargazing didn't happen due to clouds and rain.
Snacks, water and food were all plenty and good. Especially dinner at kilauea lodge was excellent, be it a bit rushed.
After the recent eruptions there was no lava activity, but we can only imagine how much more beautiful the sites would be with active lava flows.

  • beautiful landscape at volcano park

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/11/14
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー  レジェンズ・オブ・ハワイ(ヒルトンワイコロアビレッジ)<日・火・金催行/ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題>


Reviewed by: さおり, 2018/11/21



Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/16
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Umauma Falls Zipline Tour & Waterfall Swim Adventure

Great Experience!

Reviewed by: Brandy, 2018/11/21

I am here working and my son came to visit. It was a great way to experience the waterfalls. Perfect for any age. Employees were very nice and helpful. The guides were great made you feel very comfortable and safe. I would definitely recommend this as an activity to see parts otherwise impossible.Hope to be able to visit again.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/20
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Twilight Volcano Tour with Stargazing, Black Sand Beach & Coffee Farm

大島一日旅遊: Big Island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner (from Kona) / Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour

Reviewed by: Fang Xing, 2018/11/19

我在計畫大島旅行前,從網站搜尋到其他人的分享,其中有許多人推薦從www.hawaiiactivies.com訂購行程,在大島的第一天抬頭看見星星已經吸引了我,我決定找一個可以看星星的行程。我們不打算租車,因此以有接送的行程為優先考量,11/08 我們試著在網上訂 Big island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner 的行程,這個行程包含接送,午晚餐!另外的優惠就是在行程後發文分享,可以有一位的50%退款反回! 當我們試著在網上訂這個行程,因為沒有找到小孩的訂購選項,而直接打電話由Ms. Nunia 協助,她在跟技術 部門溝通也確定多恩的年紀可以參加後,她打電話回覆我們,協助我們訂購2大一小(3Y5M) 的全日遊,謝謝她的幫助!第一次與這個公司交涉留下很好的印象!
11/10 我們的司機Chris 準時來接我們,在去接第二組客人時,他為我們講解沿路火山與海灘的景色,他是在這出生有少部分夏威夷原住民的血統,能遇到當地長大的居民做為我們的導遊,真是幸運!他從開始到行程結束始終掛著笑容為我們服務!
第一站是Kona 咖啡園: 在這裡我們繞了一圈咖啡園,可惜的是因為是周末,只有兩個烘培機器運轉著,途中還看見了Lava Tube,就是熔岩管,它是熔岩洞的一種,從這開始了對火山的認識。在這裡有各式免費咖啡的試飲,我試了Kona coffee medium roast 與有夏威夷豆口味所混合夏威夷咖啡,各有不同的風味!Chris 為我們在桌上準備了午餐,是亞洲式午餐有日本紫薯,魚片,雞肉與白飯,配上Kona的各式果汁! 是亞洲人喜歡的口味!
第二站到了黑沙灘看海龜:Chris 雖然不能保證是否看到海龜,一下車往海灘的方向,但我們非常期待,拉著兒子的小手往沙灘前進,踩在黑沙灘上是很特別的經驗,黑沙灘的沙是冷卻的岩漿經過風力與海水沖刷而成的,沙的顆粒很小摸起來很舒服,不過一會兒就看見一隻烏龜在沙灘上休息著,大家太过興奮靠近時,被在沙灘上的救生員喊ˇ著說”請給烏龜足夠的空間"! 在這地方有標示牌請大家給他們至少30ft 的空間,不可餵食也不可觸摸!在這片黑沙灘上是開著荷花的池塘,和諧地與海邊的景色共存著,非常美麗的景色.雖然只看見一隻海龜,還是非常值得.
第三站: 一連串的火山探險之旅,首先來到火山國家公園,Chris 分享著他在前幾個夜間所拍的照片,火紅的岩漿從洞口發出,非常驚人的景色,目前能見到的是火山停止噴發後不斷地發出的煙,這時候已經來到熱帶雨林區,天氣涼爽許多,再加上小雨落下,景色非常的特別,從海邊到山上,溫度驟降,但是貼心的Chris為大家準備了外套與雨衣,不需要擔心沒有帶外套,唯一的建議是要穿包腳的鞋子!
再來去看了crater lookout, steam vests,sea Arch 還有Chains of Craters Road.分別是火山口,蒸氣口,海邊拱門,最後在僅存的舊道路上欣賞熔岩經過的歷史痕跡! 如此接近因火山活動而產生變化的自然奇景,是來到大島時一定要參加的行程! 當我們站在舊有的道路上轉身往後一看在高處則是近期因火山活動留下的黑色的痕跡,在這Chris 找出各式不一樣型態的殘留物,仔細講解著,真的是更認識了大島!
第四站:在最後一站觀星之前,我們到了Lava Cafe享用晚餐,當魚補獲的魚排餐,牛仔骨分別配上土豆尼與白飯,兒子吃的是炒粉,免費的飲料,大家都吃得很飽! 估計是全車的亞洲客人而特別預備的餐點,接著到了Mauna Kea State Park 觀星,
一下車就已經能清楚看見滿天的星斗,透過Chris 架設的高倍望遠鏡看到了火星,邱比特星跟月球.同行有人看見了流星!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/10
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Sea Quest Kealakekua Bay Snorkel Tour & Rafting Sea Cave Expedition

Make this outing a must

Reviewed by: Rebecca, 2018/11/18

From the start of this tour we knew it was going to be great. The staff are friendly & engaging. Admittedly it was only our family of 4, which was really nice. The whole afternoon was filled with tuna jumping around us, checking out caves, snorkelling in what I can only describe as one of the best snorkel locations I have ever been to, finishing with dolphins swimming with us on our way back! If I was here for longer I would go again.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/17
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Umauma Falls Zipline Tour & Waterfall Swim Adventure

Amazing adventurous experience viewing much of the Big Island treasures!

Reviewed by: Swillem40, 2018/11/18

What an amazing experience!!  Not only are you able to see the beauty in a fun adventurous manner but there is time and places to capture pictures in between some of the ziplines. The views are stunning and you’ll see waterfalls, rainforest, the ocean and so much more. The staff does a great job of getting everyone to open up and have a great time. They take the time to give you tips on how to do things so you get the most out of your experience. You are sure to laugh the entire time! It was great to also see so many kids on our tour who had an amazing time!
There is a little store before you start where you can get some things like souvenirs, treats, and bug spray.  If you go on a rainy day I would note you could get some mud onto yourself but it is minimal. It may also be helpful to consider the equipment when dressing.  Many on our tour thought it would be cooler because of the rain to start but the equipment keeps you a bit warm so many had rain coats they didn’t want. They do have some video and picture packages you are able to purchase of your tour and I recommend waiting to purchase these extras until the end of your tour to see if you like them.  If you go with the GoPro camera option then you will want that ahead of time.

  • All strapped up and ready to go!

  • Awesome bridge you enjoy walking!

  • Beautiful view back on what you just went over.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/17
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Mauna Kea Summit Adventures Sunset & Stargazing Guided Tour with Transportation

Amazing experience with friendly and really experienced tour guides

Reviewed by: Thivya, 2018/11/18

Must do in Big Island!!! Amazing sunset and stargazing experience. Never experienced anyth like this before.

Tour guides were really experienced, friendly and we felt absolutely safe during the entire tour. If I were ever in Big Island, would definitely book the same tour.

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/11/07
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Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge


Reviewed by: Loretta, 2018/11/17

We had an amazing tour.
The view of the volcano was amazing. The nature could be so destructive and beautifull

Our guide was there for us am answer all ours questions.

The diner included was in a nice restaurant and the playe were very good.

I recommend this avtivities and don't worry about the volcano. It's a very nice tour

  • Kilauea crater

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/11/14
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King Kayak Hawaii - Keauhou Bay Kayaking & Snorkeling Tour


Reviewed by: April, 2018/11/13

The whole experience was amazing! We arrived late due to road closures, our guide Kevin was so patient & kind. We set out in hopes of finding dolphins, you never know if they’ll show up. Boy did they! We were the only people out there so we had them all to our selves. The dolphins swam & played with us for an hour. Stunning & thrilling, an experience we’ll cherish forever!!! Thank you so much Kevin for sharing your passion!
My suggestion, bring your underwater camera!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/10
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キラウエア火山 ヘリコプター遊覧 水~土曜日10:30限定で日本語パイロットのリクエスト可能<フライト100分/英語パイロット/ワイコロアヘリポート>


Reviewed by: ほまれ, 2018/11/13


Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2018/11/06
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Twilight Volcano Tour with Stargazing, Black Sand Beach & Coffee Farm

大島一日旅遊: Big Island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner (from Kona) / Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour

Reviewed by: Fang Xing, 2018/11/13

我在計畫大島旅行前,從網站搜尋到其他人的分享,其中有許多人推薦從www.hawaiiactivies.com訂購行程,在大島的第一天抬頭看見星星已經吸引了我,我決定找一個可以看星星的行程。我們不打算租車,因此以有接送的行程為優先考量,11/08 我們試著在網上訂 Big island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner 的行程,這個行程包含接送,午晚餐!另外的優惠就是在行程後發文分享,可以有一位的50%退款反回! 當我們試著在網上訂這個行程,因為沒有找到小孩的訂購選項,而直接打電話由Ms. Nunia 協助,她在跟技術 部門溝通也確定多恩的年紀可以參加後,她打電話回覆我們,協助我們訂購2大一小(3Y5M) 的全日遊,謝謝她的幫助!第一次與這個公司交涉留下很好的印象!
11/10 我們的司機Chris 準時來接我們,在去接第二組客人時,他為我們講解沿路火山與海灘的景色,他是在這出生有少部分夏威夷原住民的血統,能遇到當地長大的居民做為我們的導遊,真是幸運!他從開始到行程結束始終掛著笑容為我們服務!
第一站是Kona 咖啡園: 在這裡我們繞了一圈咖啡園,可惜的是因為是周末,只有兩個烘培機器運轉著,途中還看見了Lava Tube,就是熔岩管,它是熔岩洞的一種,從這開始了對火山的認識。在這裡有各式免費咖啡的試飲,我試了Kona coffee medium roast 與有夏威夷豆口味所混合夏威夷咖啡,各有不同的風味!Chris 為我們在桌上準備了午餐,是亞洲式午餐有日本紫薯,魚片,雞肉與白飯,配上Kona的各式果汁! 是亞洲人喜歡的口味!
第二站到了黑沙灘看海龜:Chris 雖然不能保證是否看到海龜,一下車往海灘的方向,但我們非常期待,拉著兒子的小手往沙灘前進,踩在黑沙灘上是很特別的經驗,黑沙灘的沙是冷卻的岩漿經過風力與海水沖刷而成的,沙的顆粒很小摸起來很舒服,不過一會兒就看見一隻烏龜在沙灘上休息著,大家太过興奮靠近時,被在沙灘上的救生員喊ˇ著說”請給烏龜足夠的空間"! 在這地方有標示牌請大家給他們至少30ft 的空間,不可餵食也不可觸摸!在這片黑沙灘上是開著荷花的池塘,和諧地與海邊的景色共存著,非常美麗的景色.雖然只看見一隻海龜,還是非常值得.
第三站: 一連串的火山探險之旅,首先來到火山國家公園,Chris 分享著他在前幾個夜間所拍的照片,火紅的岩漿從洞口發出,非常驚人的景色,目前能見到的是火山停止噴發後不斷地發出的煙,這時候已經來到熱帶雨林區,天氣涼爽許多,再加上小雨落下,景色非常的特別,從海邊到山上,溫度驟降,但是貼心的Chris為大家準備了外套與雨衣,不需要擔心沒有帶外套,唯一的建議是要穿包腳的鞋子!
再來去看了crater lookout, steam vests,sea Arch 還有Chains of Craters Road.分別是火山口,蒸氣口,海邊拱門,最後在僅存的舊道路上欣賞熔岩經過的歷史痕跡! 如此接近因火山活動而產生變化的自然奇景,是來到大島時一定要參加的行程! 當我們站在舊有的道路上轉身往後一看在高處則是近期因火山活動留下的黑色的痕跡,在這Chris 找出各式不一樣型態的殘留物,仔細講解著,真的是更認識了大島!
第四站:在最後一站觀星之前,我們到了Lava Cafe享用晚餐,當魚補獲的魚排餐,牛仔骨分別配上土豆尼與白飯,兒子吃的是炒粉,免費的飲料,大家都吃得很飽! 估計是全車的亞洲客人而特別預備的餐點,接著到了Mauna Kea State Park 觀星,
一下車就已經能清楚看見滿天的星斗,透過Chris 架設的高倍望遠鏡看到了火星,邱比特星跟月球.同行有人看見了流星!

  • sea orch

  • our tour guied-Chris

  • black sand beach

  • our shuttle

  • kona coffee

  • national volcano park

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/11/10
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キラウエア火山 ヘリコプター遊覧 水~土曜日10:30限定で日本語パイロットのリクエスト可能<フライト100分/英語パイロット/ワイコロアヘリポート>


Reviewed by: ayako, 2018/11/04


  • 山から海に流れる滝 

  • 溶岩

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2018/07/31
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Keauhou Bay Manta Ray Night Dive Tour & Snorkel Adventure from Kona - Sea Quest

Manta Swim is a Must Do in Kona - An Amazing Experience - SO AWESOME!!!

Reviewed by: Jo , 2018/11/02

The team at Sea Quest was excellent! The crew was very informative and they really went out of their way to ensure we saw manta rays the whole time we were out on the water. It was such an amazing experience. I highly recommend this tour. It's a real life Blue Planet experience.
If you're nervous about being close to the mantas, don't worry! They are beautiful gentle giants! I recommend grabbing a drink at Rays on The Bay before to calm your nerves.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/11/01
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Keauhou Bay Manta Ray Night Dive Tour & Snorkel Adventure from Kona - Sea Quest

Great night snorkeling with mantas

Reviewed by: Sharon Savant, 2018/11/01

Our tour was initially rescheduled due to inclement weather. Sea Quest was really professional and gave us a free GoPro rental to make up for the inconveniences. On the day of the tour, they prepped us with all the necessary gear (prescription snorkels, wet suits, regular snorkels, etc.) And gave us a brief overview of what to expect before we headed into the waters.
We saw about 5 mantas that night. They swam close by and it was a really cool experience. There were 2 sea Quest employees in the water with us helping us each step of the way whether it be to adjust the snorkels or retrieve a noodle. They also kept giving us information about the mantas to make the trip more enjoyable.
After about 45 min in the water it was a short ride back to shore where they had hot chocolate and bags of cookies waiting for us.
Over all a very fun experience. Would definitely recommend.

  • A beautiful sunset before we got on the boat

  • Gear on and ready to get into the water

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/10/30
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Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Amazing tour!

Reviewed by: Nivy, 2018/10/31

The tour was amazing, scenic and very informative. Our tour guide, Ryan was very friendly and considerate and we enjoyed the tour a lot. Would definitely recommend to a friend.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/10/28
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ハワイ島 ケアラケクア湾 シュノーケリングツアー <英語ガイド/食事付き>


Reviewed by: Tsuka, 2018/10/28




Comments from activity operators

Thank you for joining us on the afternoon snorkel to Kealakekua Bay. We are glad you had a nice time.
Thank you for taking the time to write a review.


Attended as: Families
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Deluxe Volcano Unveiled Tour and Golden Lava Cave Expedition with Lunch & Dinner

Private Lava Tube is the Highlight!!!!!

Reviewed by: Nunia T., 2018/10/26

This was the greatest experience ever! Our tour guide Justin was very knowledgeable and informative with every guests questions and the history of the island. We first drove to Mauna Kea Park and the weather was just perfect! Clear skies and a beautiful breeze. Once we arrived to the Volcano National Park, it was so nice to see the park reopened again. Beautiful scenery and but what took the cake was the private lava tube that only this activity provider has access to which definitely makes up for the fact that Thurston Lava Tube is still closed. The lava tube was breathtaking and the deeper you go in, the more treasure you unveil. THIS IS A MUST DO!!!

Attended as: Solo Travelers
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Ocean Encounters Manta Ray Snorkel Tour - Sunset & Moonlight Cruise from Kona

Beautiful creatures

Reviewed by: David , 2018/10/25

The team where good and provided for a fun filled evening. The rays are beautiful and we got a few spin moves and seen about 6 animals. I highly recommend the experience and the ocean is lovely and warm. The only downside my wife had never snorkel before and required some extra guidance and assistance that wasn’t given so I did my best to help. Better instructions would have helped.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/10/23
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Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls

Complete boss island tour

Reviewed by: David, 2018/10/25

Drew was exceptional at telling story and being flexible with peoples preference. The lunch provided was good and the scenery was beautiful with highlights everywhere including Turtles, waterfalls, rainbows and Waipo Valley.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/10/22
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Ocean Encounters Manta Ray Snorkel Tour - Sunset & Moonlight Cruise from Kona

Amazing experience and great crew!

Reviewed by: Stacia, 2018/10/22

My husband and I went on the snorkel experience and it was the best! We saw about 15 manta rays, including one with a 12 foot wingspan, and probably close to 10 barrel rolls where they came within a few inches of us. Our crew worked hard to make sure we were comfortable and that we had a good time (even made us hot cocoa after we got out of the water). I can't say enough great things about Ocean Encounters- you might find a cheaper manta ray swim, but you won't find a better one.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/10/18
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ハワイ島 ケアラケクア湾シュノーケリングツアー 滑り台や飛び込み台完備の船で行く!<午前・午後/英語ガイド/食事付>by フェアウィンド号


Reviewed by: すもこ, 2018/10/21

そして、大型船でケアラケクア湾へ 一時間の船旅ですがそこまで揺れませんし、朝ご飯を食べられるのであっという間でした。

  • 絶景

  • 船内の様子

  • とったどー

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/10/04
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Big Island Manta Ray Night Snorkel Tour Adventure on a Hawaiian Sailing Canoe

Bewilderingly incredible! Such an incredible experience.

Reviewed by: Shannon, 2018/10/18

Truly excellent. One of the most amazing experiences of our lives.

Excellent crew and hosts. Patient, clear, fun, looked after us beautifully.

And an awesome canoe!

Can’t reccomend enough. Well worth it.

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/10/15
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キラウエア火山 ヘリコプター遊覧 水~土曜日10:30限定で日本語パイロットのリクエスト可能<フライト100分/英語パイロット/ワイコロアヘリポート>


Reviewed by: M.K, 2018/10/15


グループの他の方もおっしゃっていましたが、日本人もしくは日本語パイロット希望だったのに、English speakerの方でした。

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2018/10/12
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