(All Reviews) Page 44) Recommended for kids 8-12 (Kids Friendly: Browse by Age), Big Island tours & activities, fun things to do in Big Island | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Recommended for kids 8-12 in Big Island

Overall Rating

4.59 4.59 / 5


2987 reviews

キラウエア火山 ヘリコプター遊覧 水~土曜日10:30限定で日本語パイロットのリクエスト可能<フライト100分/英語パイロット/ワイコロアヘリポート>


Reviewed by: Arigato, 2018/06/17

一番見たかった渓谷に差し掛かった時に、ガイドの声を落として静かに景色に浸らせてくれる心配りに、景色と共に感動でした。操縦席を後ろから見ていてパイロットて素敵だなぁと思いましたw溶岩のドロドロさも目視出来てとても貴重な体験でした。ヘリコプターを怖がっていた母も安心して乗っていられたようで良かったです。何よりbig Island へのtoshiさんの愛がとてもよく伝わりました。又東京で頑張って働いてbig islandに帰りたいです!この度はありがとうございました。

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/14
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Deluxe Captain Cook Snorkeling Tour at Kealakekua Bay - Fair Wind Cruises

Kealakekua bay snorkeling

Reviewed by: Ca fun, 2018/06/17

Very organized and friendly staff. The restroom I used was very clean. The gears were clean. Excellent experience. If I have another chance to come back, I would definitely come back again!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/06/14
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ハワイ島 乗馬ツアー コハラ・コーストの牧場をゆったり乗馬! <午前・午後/英語ガイド>by ナアラパ・ステーブルズ

very good!

Reviewed by: Tesla1432, 2018/06/15


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/06/14
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Kona Sunset & Moonlight Wild Manta Ray Snorkel Tour - Wahine Charters

Outstanding Manta experience

Reviewed by: Mellissa , 2018/06/14

I was so scared being a non swimmer but I’m so glad I didn’t chicken out and did it!!! What an incredible experience. Professional crew that kept us safe and relaxed the entire time. I would recommend Wahine Charters to anyone and will recommend to all my friends!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/06/07
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Kohala Mountains, Sea Cliffs & Waterfalls Helicopter Tour with Landing Option

Zip line and water falls

Reviewed by: Ca fun, 2018/06/14

Chris was wonderful! He knows Hawaii very well and we learned so much within a day! Loved ziplining, Gabe and Kelton were so patient and humorous that we didn’t feel it took almost 3 hours to finish the whole activity. It’s the best Hawaii tour ever!!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/06/11
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Sacred Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park & Kona Farms Guided Tour

Drew was fantastic!!

Reviewed by: Avocado thief+2, 2018/06/10

Wow! We had the pleasure of taking the historic Kona tour with Drew. It was an amazing day! Drew has an energy and enthusiasm about the island that is infectious! He took us to beautiful spots that were advertised and even a few of his favorites that were off the beaten path a bit. The thing that stood out was the intricate knowledge of the historical significance of all the places that we went that Drew was able to share with us. I’ve been to a few of these spots before but never understood them as I do now and that’s all from our great guide. Drew, I hope you know that you shared with us a memory that we will all hold dear for life!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/08
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Kona Glassbottom Boat & Guided Coral Reef Tour with Marine Naturalist

Glass bottom boat tour

Reviewed by: Debbie, 2018/06/04

What a fantastic tour, a lot more than expected. Very knowledgeable of all the coral and sea creatures. Not just for kids our party was 2 adults so we had fun too.

Comments from activity operators

Aloha Debbie! We are so happy that you had a fantastic tour! Yes it is fun for kids, but most definately for adults too. There is so much to see and learn. Thank you for the review.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/30
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Deluxe Captain Cook Snorkeling Tour at Kealakekua Bay - Fair Wind Cruises

A must do!

Reviewed by: Tony, 2018/05/31

Great day out on the water. A time for the entire family, very friendly crew and the food was great.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/05/28
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ハワイ島 ケアラケクア湾シュノーケリングツアー 滑り台や飛び込み台完備の船で行く!<午前・午後/英語ガイド/食事付>by フェアウィンド号


Reviewed by: ジュディ, 2018/05/31


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/04/29
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ハワイ島 アトランティス潜水艦 ハワイの海底アドベンチャー <日本語オーディオガイド> 


Reviewed by: NOB, 2018/05/30

当日は曇り空…早めに到着しホテルの駐車場にレンタカーを止めて受付。 ホテルの外のカウンターとホテル内の少し奥にある店舗があり、少し戸惑いました。 時間になると日本人数名を含む20名ほどの参加者と共に連絡用の船に乗り込み数分で潜水艦へ。
早速乗り込み潜水開始…サンゴやそこを泳ぐ魚を見ながら40分程楽しみました。100フィート、30メートル程まで潜りましたが、曇り空のせいか若干暗く感じたのと思っていたより魚と距離感を感じました。 晴れていればもっと綺麗だったのかもしれません。

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/27
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー  レジェンズ・オブ・ハワイ(ヒルトンワイコロアビレッジ)<日・火・金催行/ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題>


Reviewed by: るるこ, 2018/05/30

少し早めに着いたのと 噴火のせいか お客さんが少なめだったせいかもしれませんが スタンダードシートの一番良い席に案内してもらい ショーをバッチリ見ることができました。
いつ食べ物をとっていいのか分からず キッズのものを フライングして取ってしまいました。後で順番に案内されるので待っているといいです

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/27
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Day Trip from Kona to Oahu - Arizona Memorial & USS Missouri Pearl Harbor Tour

Pearl Harbor Tour.

Reviewed by: William Geisler, 2018/05/29

Air accommodations were taken care of for us. Flights were good but there was confusion as to when the flights left. Very emotional day. Lots to see. There were 14 in our group. It was difficult to understand when and where we were meeting at different times throughout the day. It wasn't just us, many were confused. Hard to understand the guide. He was very nice. We were not able to see the Arizona Memorial up close because of the safety issue. No one's fault, we understood. We are glad we did take this trip.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/23
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Kona Sunset & Moonlight Wild Manta Ray Snorkel Tour - Wahine Charters

Manta Ray Experience

Reviewed by: Murray, 2018/05/27

This was an awesome night as a family seeing the manta rays so closely. We really enjoyed it and will always remember it.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/05/20
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Kona Kayaking & Snorkeling Sea Cave Adventure at Keauhou Bay - Ocean Safari's

A lot of kayaking and a little bit of snorkeling.

Reviewed by: gwp1, 2018/05/23

A lot of kayaking and a little bit of snorkeling. Guide was good but area we snorkeled in was marginal at best.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/05/17
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Big Island Manta Ray Night Snorkel Tour Adventure on a Hawaiian Sailing Canoe

Unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime

Reviewed by: Brett, 2018/05/21

This was an unforgettable once-in-a-a-lifetime experience! Definitely recommend swimming with the manta rays. It will be one of the most majestic experiences of wildlife you will ever have. A note we were unaware of: it seems essentially all ventures to swim with the mantas leave from a similar dock area and set anchor at essentially the same spot in the water--which is just a few hundred yards out from the dock.

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2018/04/29
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Kona Manta Ray Snorkel & Night Dive Tour at Keauhou Bay - Sea Paradise

Unforgettable trip!

Reviewed by: Greg, 2018/05/20

Had an amazing time on the manta ray snorkel. Definitely worth it. The manta rays get within inches from you, and the experience is unlike anything else. Crew and boat were also awesome. Ended up loving the snorkeling experience so much we went out on a day trip a day later which was also amazing!

Comments from activity operators

Aloha and thank you for sharing your experience. We look forward to seeing you next time you visit the Big Island.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/17
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Kona Manta Ray Snorkel & Night Dive Tour at Keauhou Bay - Sea Paradise

Interesting but very commercial

Reviewed by: Mic, 2018/05/19

It was great seeing these amazing creatures but this is not so much a see the great manta ray in nature as much as it is a highly commercialized, 'we've figured out how to give you a manta-ray petting zoo experience'. They boat you out, extend a floating ladder with lights (to attract plankton), and then have you float and hold onto the ladder as the rays swim below you. They do come very close to you (and may brush against you) as they eat the plankton. Pretty neat for the first several passes but since you are surrounded by other boats doing the same thing with their own floating ladder-like structures the rays will spend their time with whomever has the brightest lights. After about :30 minutes of this people start getting bored and getting back on the boats. It was fun and interesting and glad we did it but not really "swimming with the rays".

Comments from activity operators

Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We're glad you found it fun. Being stationary at the surface of the water is the safest way for us to view the rays.


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/04/26
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Legends of Hawaii Luau Dinner Show with Open Bar at Hilton Waikoloa Village

It’s an amazing experience!

Reviewed by: Anisha , 2018/05/19

It was our first trip to Big Island, Hawaii and upon many suggesting that the luau is a must, we booked it! It’s an amazing experience knowing about the culture, rich heritage of Hawaii. Food is delicious with a wide spread of salads, main course, fruits n desserts. Thrs a drinks bar too! We enjoyed all the performances especially the fire dances! Had a great time and would recommend this to our family n friends visiting in the future.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/04/27
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー アイランド・ブリーズ・ルアウ(キングカメハメハホテル内)<ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


Reviewed by: じゅり, 2018/05/18



  • ルアウ

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/17
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Grand Circle Island Tour - Volcano, Black Sand Beach, Waipio Valley & Waterfalls


Reviewed by: Deborah, 2018/05/16

This was perfect to see the whole island. We were very fortunate to see lava. However,
We feel by 8 hrs we were ready to get off the bus and feel that the first hour or so could have been cut out

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/02
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Kona Manta Ray Snorkel & Night Dive Tour at Keauhou Bay - Sea Paradise

Seriously glad we did this!

Reviewed by: Sharon, 2018/05/11

The Sea Paradise crew gave us a great experience, from setting us up with wet suit and snorkel gear to teaching us how to "behave" in the water (#1 rule - Don't touch the Manta Rays, #2 rule - don't pee in the wetsuits - haha! - they provide a bathroom on board), providing drinks and snacks, including hot chocolate which was welcome after the snorkeling. They also made sure we weren't needlessly floating around in the water before the rays showed up, but got us in there in plenty of time to see 4 different rays swimming literally inches below our faces! So cool to see them somersault and glide beneath you. Completely worth the cost! Do this!

  • Sunset did not disappoint on this Sunset Cruise

  • Sunset with palm trees while leaving the bay

  • The boat was very steady and well equipped. Plenty of room for everyone and their stuff. Also has a bathroom on board!

  • Dropping anchor near the other boats - you have to "share" the rays with the other boats, but they still came to us often. Sorry no pics of rays-they are on my husband's GoPro. But they turned out cool!

Comments from activity operators

Thank you for taking your time to review your manta tour with us. We are happy to know you enjoyed it! Thanks for joining us.
A Hui Hou!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/05/05
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー ボイジャーズ・オブ・ザ・パシフィック(ロイヤルコナリゾート内)<月・火・水・金催行/ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


Reviewed by: 元海軍軍人大鑑少佐, 2018/05/08


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/04/11
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Hawaii Glass Bottom Boat Scenic Cruise from Waikoloa | Kids 0-5 Ride for Free

Glass bottom boat

Reviewed by: Sarah, 2018/05/07

Captain Jeff was great. We were a group of 13 including 4 kids. Very safe boat. Saw lots of turtles. Very informative. A must do!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/05/04
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6名限定!ハワイ島 野生のイルカウォッチング+ケアラケクア湾シュノーケリングツアー<午前/英語ガイド/軽食付>

イルカ30匹以上!ケアラケクア湾もキレイ!英語ツアーだけど単語は簡単!Captain Dave、Mahalo nui loa!

Reviewed by: こさみ, 2018/05/06

尚、英語ツアーということで少し不安がありましたが、最初に"Can you speak English?"と聞かれ"A little."と答えておきましたので、難しいことは一切言われませんでした(笑)海からボートに上がるのを手伝ってくれるときに"Very good, yeah?"と聞かれたり、"Dolphins come this way, go!"と言われたり。ケアラケクア湾では、海岸に上陸しないようになどの案内はありましたが、いずれも簡単な英語です。こちらは聞き取れますが話せないので、イルカが見えたときに「ヒュー!」などと言って楽しんでいることだけ伝えておきました(笑)また、海には他の会社の船もたくさんいて、お互いにイルカのいる場所を教え合ったり、私が平泳ぎをしていたら「バタ足のほうがいいですよ~。」と他のツアーの日本語のガイドさんが教えてくれたり、協力的な感じでよかったです。送迎がないのが難点ですが、集合場所へはシェラトン・コナ・リゾート&スパ・アット・ケアウホウ・ベイに泊まれば歩いて行けます。

  • Daveさんのボート

  • 水中カメラじゃなかったのでイルカの写真はこんな感じ、海の中にはたくさんいました!

  • 軽食その1

  • 軽食その2

  • クック船長の碑

  • 「Monsterに見えるでしょ。」と教えてもらった溶岩の穴

Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/04/27
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Deluxe Kona Manta Ray Night Snorkeling Cruise from Keauhou Bay - Hula Kai

So many mantas!

Reviewed by: Ms. V, 2018/05/01

This was one of my main reasons for visiting the Big Island and it most definitely did not disappoint!

The crew were fun and informative. The mantas were plentiful.
I didn't realize how close they came up to you.

So beautiful!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/04/27
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Deluxe Big Island Day Tour, Volcanoes National Park & Dinner at Kilauea Lodge

Wonderful experience!

Reviewed by: Ms. V, 2018/05/01

Jim Carrey led our group on a wonderful adventure! He is a master story teller and an provided such detail in sharing the culture, sites and flavors of Hawaii.
The day was rainy but we were covered by umbrellas and deliciously warm coats that the tour provided. There were so many things to see and stories to be heard that the day was over way too quickly. Will most definitely do this tour again the next time we visit the Big Island and we will definitely ask for Jim Carrey to be our guide!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/04/26
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Hawaii Glass Bottom Boat Scenic Cruise from Waikoloa | Kids 0-5 Ride for Free


Reviewed by: Sherri, 2018/05/01

We enjoyed this trip. It is only approximately 30 minutes. We were able to see a fair amount of fish and other sea creatures including turtles. The guide was very knowledgeable. However, we seemed to ask the questions or not sure if they would have shared much. That in my opinion should be improved upon.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/04/21
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ハワイ島 サーフィンレッスン カハルウビーチパークで波乗り体験!マンツーマンのプライベートレッスンもあり<英語インストラクター/現地集合>


Reviewed by: yuki, 2018/04/27


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/03/27
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Island Breeze Big Island Kona Luau at King Kamehameha Hotel with Open Bar

Great dinner and show

Reviewed by: Tom, 2018/04/27

Food was great...nice variety. Small cast did an excellent job with a demanding variety of dances from wide variety of island cultures. We enjoyed it a lot!

  • Great show, great seats.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/04/24
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー  レジェンズ・オブ・ハワイ(ヒルトンワイコロアビレッジ)<日・火・金催行/ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題>


Reviewed by: ガンバ, 2018/04/24

ハワイアンと言うよりも タヒチアンかなって 感じでしたが、
皆楽しんでいたから 細かなことは言うのはやめましょう。
料理はもう少し種類があるかなと思っていましたので 少々期待はずれ。

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/03/30
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