Reviewed by: Alice Chia-Hua Tsai
James was very knowledgeable and we did learn a lot about the big island. Walking in the lava cave was fun, don’t think you can do that elsewhere. The stargazing pictures he took was phenomenal! He even showed us how to take professional-looking pictures by just using iPhone! Definitely recommend this tour! You are gonna love it!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Buy One, Get One FREE! |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/11/28 |
Activity Date: | 2018/11/21 |
Reviewed by: Fang Xing
我在計畫大島旅行前,從網站搜尋到其他人的分享,其中有許多人推薦從www.hawaiiactivies.com訂購行程,在大島的第一天抬頭看見星星已經吸引了我,我決定找一個可以看星星的行程。我們不打算租車,因此以有接送的行程為優先考量,11/08 我們試著在網上訂 Big island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner 的行程,這個行程包含接送,午晚餐!另外的優惠就是在行程後發文分享,可以有一位的50%退款反回! 當我們試著在網上訂這個行程,因為沒有找到小孩的訂購選項,而直接打電話由Ms. Nunia 協助,她在跟技術 部門溝通也確定多恩的年紀可以參加後,她打電話回覆我們,協助我們訂購2大一小(3Y5M) 的全日遊,謝謝她的幫助!第一次與這個公司交涉留下很好的印象!
11/10 我們的司機Chris 準時來接我們,在去接第二組客人時,他為我們講解沿路火山與海灘的景色,他是在這出生有少部分夏威夷原住民的血統,能遇到當地長大的居民做為我們的導遊,真是幸運!他從開始到行程結束始終掛著笑容為我們服務!
第一站是Kona 咖啡園: 在這裡我們繞了一圈咖啡園,可惜的是因為是周末,只有兩個烘培機器運轉著,途中還看見了Lava Tube,就是熔岩管,它是熔岩洞的一種,從這開始了對火山的認識。在這裡有各式免費咖啡的試飲,我試了Kona coffee medium roast 與有夏威夷豆口味所混合夏威夷咖啡,各有不同的風味!Chris 為我們在桌上準備了午餐,是亞洲式午餐有日本紫薯,魚片,雞肉與白飯,配上Kona的各式果汁! 是亞洲人喜歡的口味!
第二站到了黑沙灘看海龜:Chris 雖然不能保證是否看到海龜,一下車往海灘的方向,但我們非常期待,拉著兒子的小手往沙灘前進,踩在黑沙灘上是很特別的經驗,黑沙灘的沙是冷卻的岩漿經過風力與海水沖刷而成的,沙的顆粒很小摸起來很舒服,不過一會兒就看見一隻烏龜在沙灘上休息著,大家太过興奮靠近時,被在沙灘上的救生員喊ˇ著說”請給烏龜足夠的空間"! 在這地方有標示牌請大家給他們至少30ft 的空間,不可餵食也不可觸摸!在這片黑沙灘上是開著荷花的池塘,和諧地與海邊的景色共存著,非常美麗的景色.雖然只看見一隻海龜,還是非常值得.
第三站: 一連串的火山探險之旅,首先來到火山國家公園,Chris 分享著他在前幾個夜間所拍的照片,火紅的岩漿從洞口發出,非常驚人的景色,目前能見到的是火山停止噴發後不斷地發出的煙,這時候已經來到熱帶雨林區,天氣涼爽許多,再加上小雨落下,景色非常的特別,從海邊到山上,溫度驟降,但是貼心的Chris為大家準備了外套與雨衣,不需要擔心沒有帶外套,唯一的建議是要穿包腳的鞋子!
再來去看了crater lookout, steam vests,sea Arch 還有Chains of Craters Road.分別是火山口,蒸氣口,海邊拱門,最後在僅存的舊道路上欣賞熔岩經過的歷史痕跡! 如此接近因火山活動而產生變化的自然奇景,是來到大島時一定要參加的行程! 當我們站在舊有的道路上轉身往後一看在高處則是近期因火山活動留下的黑色的痕跡,在這Chris 找出各式不一樣型態的殘留物,仔細講解著,真的是更認識了大島!
第四站:在最後一站觀星之前,我們到了Lava Cafe享用晚餐,當魚補獲的魚排餐,牛仔骨分別配上土豆尼與白飯,兒子吃的是炒粉,免費的飲料,大家都吃得很飽! 估計是全車的亞洲客人而特別預備的餐點,接著到了Mauna Kea State Park 觀星,
一下車就已經能清楚看見滿天的星斗,透過Chris 架設的高倍望遠鏡看到了火星,邱比特星跟月球.同行有人看見了流星!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Buy One & Get One $50 Off! - Limited Time Offer! |
Attended as: | Families |
Posted on: | 2018/11/19 |
Activity Date: | 2018/11/10 |
Reviewed by: Thivya
Must do in Big Island!!! Amazing sunset and stargazing experience. Never experienced anyth like this before.
Tour guides were really experienced, friendly and we felt absolutely safe during the entire tour. If I were ever in Big Island, would definitely book the same tour.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Friends |
Posted on: | 2018/11/18 |
Activity Date: | 2018/11/07 |
Reviewed by: Fang Xing
我在計畫大島旅行前,從網站搜尋到其他人的分享,其中有許多人推薦從www.hawaiiactivies.com訂購行程,在大島的第一天抬頭看見星星已經吸引了我,我決定找一個可以看星星的行程。我們不打算租車,因此以有接送的行程為優先考量,11/08 我們試著在網上訂 Big island Twilight Volcano Tour & Stargazing with Dinner 的行程,這個行程包含接送,午晚餐!另外的優惠就是在行程後發文分享,可以有一位的50%退款反回! 當我們試著在網上訂這個行程,因為沒有找到小孩的訂購選項,而直接打電話由Ms. Nunia 協助,她在跟技術 部門溝通也確定多恩的年紀可以參加後,她打電話回覆我們,協助我們訂購2大一小(3Y5M) 的全日遊,謝謝她的幫助!第一次與這個公司交涉留下很好的印象!
11/10 我們的司機Chris 準時來接我們,在去接第二組客人時,他為我們講解沿路火山與海灘的景色,他是在這出生有少部分夏威夷原住民的血統,能遇到當地長大的居民做為我們的導遊,真是幸運!他從開始到行程結束始終掛著笑容為我們服務!
第一站是Kona 咖啡園: 在這裡我們繞了一圈咖啡園,可惜的是因為是周末,只有兩個烘培機器運轉著,途中還看見了Lava Tube,就是熔岩管,它是熔岩洞的一種,從這開始了對火山的認識。在這裡有各式免費咖啡的試飲,我試了Kona coffee medium roast 與有夏威夷豆口味所混合夏威夷咖啡,各有不同的風味!Chris 為我們在桌上準備了午餐,是亞洲式午餐有日本紫薯,魚片,雞肉與白飯,配上Kona的各式果汁! 是亞洲人喜歡的口味!
第二站到了黑沙灘看海龜:Chris 雖然不能保證是否看到海龜,一下車往海灘的方向,但我們非常期待,拉著兒子的小手往沙灘前進,踩在黑沙灘上是很特別的經驗,黑沙灘的沙是冷卻的岩漿經過風力與海水沖刷而成的,沙的顆粒很小摸起來很舒服,不過一會兒就看見一隻烏龜在沙灘上休息著,大家太过興奮靠近時,被在沙灘上的救生員喊ˇ著說”請給烏龜足夠的空間"! 在這地方有標示牌請大家給他們至少30ft 的空間,不可餵食也不可觸摸!在這片黑沙灘上是開著荷花的池塘,和諧地與海邊的景色共存著,非常美麗的景色.雖然只看見一隻海龜,還是非常值得.
第三站: 一連串的火山探險之旅,首先來到火山國家公園,Chris 分享著他在前幾個夜間所拍的照片,火紅的岩漿從洞口發出,非常驚人的景色,目前能見到的是火山停止噴發後不斷地發出的煙,這時候已經來到熱帶雨林區,天氣涼爽許多,再加上小雨落下,景色非常的特別,從海邊到山上,溫度驟降,但是貼心的Chris為大家準備了外套與雨衣,不需要擔心沒有帶外套,唯一的建議是要穿包腳的鞋子!
再來去看了crater lookout, steam vests,sea Arch 還有Chains of Craters Road.分別是火山口,蒸氣口,海邊拱門,最後在僅存的舊道路上欣賞熔岩經過的歷史痕跡! 如此接近因火山活動而產生變化的自然奇景,是來到大島時一定要參加的行程! 當我們站在舊有的道路上轉身往後一看在高處則是近期因火山活動留下的黑色的痕跡,在這Chris 找出各式不一樣型態的殘留物,仔細講解著,真的是更認識了大島!
第四站:在最後一站觀星之前,我們到了Lava Cafe享用晚餐,當魚補獲的魚排餐,牛仔骨分別配上土豆尼與白飯,兒子吃的是炒粉,免費的飲料,大家都吃得很飽! 估計是全車的亞洲客人而特別預備的餐點,接著到了Mauna Kea State Park 觀星,
一下車就已經能清楚看見滿天的星斗,透過Chris 架設的高倍望遠鏡看到了火星,邱比特星跟月球.同行有人看見了流星!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour |
Attended as: | Families |
Posted on: | 2018/11/13 |
Activity Date: | 2018/11/10 |
Reviewed by: Andrew
We took the Japanese tour since the english tour was sold out. Fortunately we were bilingual so there were no issues for us. Mr. Aoki the tour coordinator was very helpful. There might be few things that you just have to laugh about.
Sadly we weren’t able to see the sunrise because of weather issues but we got to see the star gazing perfectly!!
FYI not being avle to see doesnt happen often because this tour is known for being able to see more than 300 days/year.
Still waiting for our pics from the tour guide since they took the pictures for us! Will post all the pics when we recieve them
Rating: | |
Packages: | Buy One, Get One FREE! Stargazing & Sunrise Tour |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/10/09 |
Activity Date: | 2018/10/07 |
Reviewed by: Shin Taniguchi
Many people say sunset is better than sunrise, but sunrise is great, too.
Even though we were on the tour about two days before the full-moon (meaning moonlight is very bright and moon doesn't set until about 5 in the morning), we could enjoy the gorgeous stars in the sky with decent explanation of the stars.
Sunrise was also gorgeous. It was no doubt one of the most beautiful scenaries I have ever seen in my life. Although we were lucky enough to see both stars and sunrise in good weather and it is said that we mostly see clear sky at the peak of Mauna Kea, you may have to keep in mind weather is always a variable you can never tell.
Our guides were good, with a lot of experience and knowledge, trying to do their best to make the tour enjoyable.
If you are okay to go to bed early on the day before and can wake up at 1:30 in the morning, it will let you spend your time more wisely because you have a whole day even after you come back from the tour. (we came back to the hotel around 8:30 am)
Also be noted that the temperature up there is very low. Especially because the weater in Hawaii is hot and you need to face the near-freezing-point weather on the same day, make sure to prepare warm clothes yourself. The ski jackets and pants they lend you will not be enough.
Aloha, this is Sumire from NatureSchool.
Thank you for joining our tour and giving us your feedback.
I 'm glad to hear that you could enjoy the stars and sunrise with the clear sky.
As you said, it's very hard to expect the weather on the summit.
Even though the weather is not good, we try our best to make the customers enjoy the tour.
Our tour guides have much knowledge and many skills.
We would love to do more English tours in the future.
We are looking forward to seeing you again on Bigisland.
Thank you for joining our tour again!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Buy One, Get One FREE! Stargazing & Sunrise Tour |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/10/01 |
Activity Date: | 2018/09/23 |
Reviewed by: Gcw
One of the best trips we have been on. JEFF was excellent both in the way he described the Island, his humour and knowledge.
Overall this created a memory that will last a life time.
We should also say that this trip would never have existed without pele. It made us realise how much we owe to nature and how much we take it for granted.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/09/25 |
Activity Date: | 2018/09/22 |
Reviewed by: Jason
Our guide, Gordon, made sure the shuttle ride was comfortable and enjoyable. the stargazing and sunset views were amazing! It is well recommended to take this tour.
Lasagna was a bit salty for asian taste in my opinion. Browny, cookies and drinks were nice. Jumpers and gloves were provided but it was still cold, so it would be better if you brought more warm clothings.
One thing, i came on this tour with my wife (newly weds) but the seats were limited, so we had to sit separately :( it would be nice if there were seating plans or notice beforehand.
Nonetheless, i would take this tour again if I do ever come back to the big island!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/09/14 |
Activity Date: | 2018/09/10 |
Reviewed by: Darko
I recommend this Sunrise tours especially to people who never conquers mountain peak higher then 3000 m.
Of course, I recommend it to everyone else, but for those who are for the first time on a higher elevation this is simply the must.
The flow of emotions I felt when I reached the peak was so overwhelming that I couldn't stop the tears.
It's almost impossible to express the feeling of inner fulfillment when you stand on the top of a high mountain watching the sunrise!
The Veltra crew did outstanding planning by set of small stops so our body can adapt to over 4000 m attitude.
First we stopped at 2000 to adapt to coldness of night and change in altitude. (They distributed parkas to all of us at that time)
Then we stopped at around 3000 m for unforgettable stargazing experience.
I saw shapes of Milky way, before but this was on completely different level.
I think the altitude of 3000 m makes substantial difference. There you don't have any light pollution but also the air is already thin enough to give you unforgettable experience of pure connection with the universe.
Then finally, just when you think that it can not get better then this, on the brink of dawn, we reached the summit and saw and felt unforgettable sunrise that will, at least in my case, stay forever in my memories.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank Veltra team and especially to our guide Stefan for allowing me to experience this unforgettable sunrise.
Thank you very much for joining our sunrise tour and giving us your review.
We are happy to hear that you enjoyed the sunrise and stargazing.
Because we are a Japanese tour company, it was our challenge to combine customers who speak different language.
We are very careful about the altitude accommodation of our customers.
Sunrise from the summit and the sky filled with the stars at Mauna Kea is outstanding.
I will tell Stefan about your review and he would be happy.
Thank you for choosing our tour.
We're looking forward to seeing you on Big Island again!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Standard Package |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/09/12 |
Activity Date: | 2018/09/11 |
Reviewed by: Nichole B
My friend and I went on the stargazing and sunrise tour to the Summit of Mauna Kea yesterday. Todd was our tour guide and extremely personable. He was also a wealth of knowledge on constellations, and local landscape. The stargazing was outstanding, we saw satellites, shooting stars, and a ton of constellations not visible usually at home. The summit was breathtaking, watching the sun come up we could see the whole island and Maui from up there. It was like being on top of the world. I definitely recommend it!
Aloha, this is Sumire from NatureSchool.
Thank you very much for joining our sunrise tour and posting your review!
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour.
Our company's tour guides have much knowledge about stars and Big Island.
We can see bunch of stars that are invisible in a town.
Thank you for choosing our tour.
We're looking forward to seeing you again.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Buy One, Get One FREE! Stargazing & Sunrise Tour |
Attended as: | Friends |
Posted on: | 2018/09/03 |
Activity Date: | 2018/09/02 |
Reviewed by: Darra
Very few places could match this experience. The location; the slow climb up the giant sloping mountain. We went through rain, sun, even through a cloud; through the lava landscape, ranch lands and very bumpy rocky last stretch of road to reach the top! And wow it was a view from the top.
Be warned; it is very very cold; not what you expect from your Hawaiian break! You get nice warm coats from the tour group though (and later a little hot cocoa and brownie to keep you going!)
As the sun sets; you can see the mountains shadow on the other side; a glimpse of Maui and the glint of the sun off the telescopes preparing for their nights work. You can see the odd bit of movement as they open up. As soon as the suns down; its all go though. We have to leave the area quickly as the lights from the cars interfere with the telescopes (so no, there is no looking around inside them; if that is what you're hoping for in this trip!).
We move down slope a little to a good spot to see the huge expanse of clear, cloudless sky and the abundance of stars.
It is slightly interrupted with the brightness of the moon (so depending how long your stay is in Hawaii, plan for a darker night, unless you love the moon!); but not enough to stop us seeing nebula, planets and stars - its a really interesting spot to see both the northern and southern skies.
We did also spot a bit of the glow from the erupting volcano
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/07/29 |
Activity Date: | 2018/06/20 |
Reviewed by: Ned from New Jersey
Our guide Jeff picked us up from the Pu'u Huluhulu Cinder Cone parking lot, at the base of the road up to the summit. We had a very nice pre-packaged dinner at the base camp, then rode up to the visitor center and onward to the observatories. A bumpy and steep ride, I was very happy to have an experienced driver at the wheel!
At the top the weather was cool and clear and good for viewing a sunset, then we went down to a slightly lower lot to view stars and planets through a good quality Celestron scope.... the clear air and high altitude really added detail! First time I have been able to make out the rings of Saturn, and four of Jupiter's moons were posing really well for us! Some really excellent deep space views too! Check out a cool image of the moon from the Celestron scope....
Highly recommended, especially if you live somewhere with so much haze and light pollution you don't get to see that stars that well!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/07/28 |
Activity Date: | 2018/07/25 |
Reviewed by: Hawaiian First Timer
Husband and I throughly enjoyed the excursion! Our guide blew us away with his well rounded knowledge of the island, its geography and history. The coffee farm and meal were a special treat before an evening of stargazing.
Rating: | |
Packages: | From Kona & Waikoloa - Solar Viewing & Stargazing with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/07/24 |
Activity Date: | 2018/07/20 |
Reviewed by: CORSAIR
Rating: | |
Packages: | 基本プラン |
Attended as: | Families |
Posted on: | 2018/07/24 |
Activity Date: | 2018/07/15 |
Reviewed by: YOPPI
The tour guide Herald was very nice, friendly and knowledgeble on native hawaiian's culture, ecology and astronomy. We got to see a "natural planetarium" in the mountain including Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Coming from a big city we don't see stars in the sky, so the view was just breath taking and we were soooo glad we participated in the tour. I guess you can go to the summit and see stars on your own but I'd strongly recommend this tour. Because I think it will give you a whole new experience and view on the island and their culture.
Dinner was tasty too. I was expecting a lot less.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/07/21 |
Activity Date: | 2018/07/13 |
Reviewed by: Jon Milesky
This company was professional and went out of their way to make sure that everything was in place to make our trip first class. From calling the day before to confirm with us on meeting location and time to hot brownies at the end of the tour. Everything was great and the guide took the time to get to know us so she could make our experience the best it could be.
I would highly recommend this company.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Families |
Posted on: | 2018/07/16 |
Activity Date: | 2018/07/11 |
Reviewed by: Athan
the views from the top of Mauna Kea are breathtaking, despite the cold. Jeff, our host was the best tour guide, funny, friendly and veru knowledgeable of the the tour and the history of the sites. All along the tour he would explain the site you are crossing and the topography.
The star gazing experience is somehting cool for someone neer seen into space before.
Brownies and hot chocolate at the end of the tour is the epitpomy of a great evening.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/06/05 |
Activity Date: | 2018/05/28 |
Reviewed by: Steven
Tour actually worked out better than expected. The tour vans are nice and new, the guides are nice and knowledgeable. You go right to the telescope summit and watch the sunrise followed by a great star gazing experience.
The lasagna ain't great but bring snacks and you'll have a great time
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/05/20 |
Activity Date: | 2018/05/17 |
Reviewed by: mpb
Rating: | |
Packages: | 無料特典付き!通常プラン |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/05/19 |
Activity Date: | 2018/05/15 |
Reviewed by: Marco and Nancy
The tour was very interesting and Arthur our tour guide was very knowledgeable of the region. He answered all of our questions about the local environment as well as the history of the Hawaiian people.
It was cold at the summit and a sweatshirt should be worn if you cannot handle the cold even with the atlantic parka and gloves that is supplied.
The stargazing spot was incredibly clear and we could see hundreds of stars. We were also able to spot Venus, Jupiter, and several star systems through the telescopes provided.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/05/11 |
Activity Date: | 2018/05/07 |
Reviewed by: MTTravelers
This was one tour we will never forget! The views from the top of Mauna Kea are indescribable. You truly feel that you are on top of the world! The other positive parts of the adventure - the tour was well organize with attention to safety, tour guide Geraldo was very knowledgeable, the food was delicious and the others on the tour were a hoot to spend an evening with. If you go, be sure to dress warmly! The coats provided were great, but it was chilly prior to going up. We highly recommend this tour!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/03/07 |
Activity Date: | 2018/03/01 |
Reviewed by: Greg
This trip was a really fun experience as a contrast to the normal beach and ocean explorations that a visit to Hawaii normally includes.
The guide was very informative and the trip was planned well. The van was very comfortable (big Mercedes).
Climbing above the clouds made it feel like we were going to another world. The sunset from the top amongst all the observatory domes was incredibly colorful and the photography was cool with the domes.
The second part when we went down the mountain and set up the telescopes was fun too. The guide had an excellent presentation and mastery of the topics.
I highly recommend-it was out of the ordinary and visually spectacular.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/01/15 |
Activity Date: | 2018/01/12 |
Reviewed by: Sop
Our guides were Arthur and Justin. Both are funny and knowledgeable. This tour surprised us in so many ways. It is crazy that you can go from beach weather to freezing winds in a matter of hours. The parkas definitely help. I would recommend some layers of clothes, jeans, and good shoes. Bring a scarf or beanie. For those who live in the country, you do not realize how fortunate you are to not have light pollution. The stars that we saw were amazing. Your eyes adjust and focus so well on all the bright twinkles because there's no surrounding light. It's hard to explain but you feel like a child who's just seen something new and cool. Light pollution is real. On a good night in the city, I can probably see maybe 10 stars. Here, the volume is overwhelming. The location of Hawaii lets you see a lot more. Not only do you see the stars, but you can see distant galaxies as well our own milky way. Primitive, primal, natural are some other ways to describe experience.
The sunset on Mauna Kea was also a fantastic experience. Arthur and Justin are safe and excellent drivers. You see rental cars driving up the volcano on unpaved roads when they shouldn't. It's better to have the experts take you to the summit.
We attended this tour January 3, 2018. This gave us the rare opportunity to see the wolf moon and all the stars. I never knew how much light the moon provided at night.
I would do this again and recommend it to anybody who visits the Big Island.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2018/01/09 |
Activity Date: | 2018/01/03 |
Reviewed by: Christine S.
Our original trip was postponed due to snow on the summit of Mauna Kea but we rescheduled and had an unforgettable experience. Our guide Hank was great. As well as his astronomy expertise, he provided lots of information on Hawaiian culture. The views on the way up to the summit were spectacular. Great photographic opportunities of the sunset, views and night sky.
I would thoroughly recommend this trip.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Families |
Posted on: | 2017/12/30 |
Activity Date: | 2017/12/04 |
Reviewed by: Richard V.
This was my second trip up to the summit of Mauna Kea for the Sunset & Stargazing Adventure. The drive up this time was smoother than the first, thankfully, and our guide was excellent. You could tell he was well-informed on all the topics he discussed. The catered Hawaiian dinner was very tasty, and in sufficient quantity to satisfy a good appetite. The only drawback this time was that the clock-drive on the telescope was not working, which took away from our ability to look at celestial objects at high magnification. I recommend this trip, and also that the tour company repair their clock drives!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Friends |
Posted on: | 2017/11/18 |
Activity Date: | 2017/11/04 |
Reviewed by: Curt
This was one of the best tours ever! The high lite was the star gazing, holy cow was it fantastic!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2017/11/17 |
Activity Date: | 2017/11/14 |
Reviewed by: Brad
We had a great time in our trip. Our guide jeff was fantastic and took the time to make sure everyone had a great night. Highly recommend this trip.
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2017/11/15 |
Activity Date: | 2017/11/12 |
Reviewed by: Ralphg
If you have the opportunity to visit Hawaii and the big island is on your agenda, the tour to the top of Mauna Kea is a must do !! The journey up and down the mountain is exhilarating, the views on the way up, stunning and the views from the top at sunset - unforgettable!!!!
Of course the weather gods can have their say and you could be unlucky.
Very impressed by the capability of our driver Joe who also made our star gazing even more memorable with his explanations and knowledge. You will leave with an impression of how “special” it is to visit the top of Mauna Kea and with an understanding of why the Hawaiian people see it as a place to be treated with respect
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Solo Travelers |
Posted on: | 2017/11/12 |
Activity Date: | 2017/11/09 |
Reviewed by: Yang
Its was a great tour as advertised, Pick up was on time. and Gordon is a good driver, friendly, take good cares of everyone. He and his buddy provided a great service for the entire tour. This is a great tour to take if you are just visiting big island for vacation. We were traveling light, dont want to prepare winter cloth. the tour provides what we need on the mountain. It was one of the best tour we took in big island. definitely will do again~~
Rating: | |
Packages: | Mauna Kea Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Dinner |
Attended as: | Couples |
Posted on: | 2017/11/06 |
Activity Date: | 2017/10/15 |
Reviewed by: Andrea
Excellent, just do it, unforgettable experience!! Thanks to Hawaii Forest and Trail group, make sure your tour is through them, in fact make sure all your Big Island tours are through them, they are AWESOME!!
Rating: | |
Packages: | Summit Sunset & Stargazing Adventure |
Attended as: | Solo Travelers |
Posted on: | 2017/10/22 |
Activity Date: | 2017/10/19 |
Tips and suggestions
Reply from activity provider
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Aloha Mr.Andrew,
Thank you for joining our Mauna Kea Sunrise& Stargazing tour.
We are glad that you enjoyed the stargazing. I'm sorry if you We apology for lacking of communication in English.
In winter season, there will be more possibility of rain; however, as you mentioned, it is so true that most of time in a year, the weather is clear on Mauna Kea summit.
If you have not receive the password for your pictures, we kindly appreciate if you could send us an Email, and we will reply to your Email ASAP.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the Big Island!