Aerial view of Lanai, Hawaii featuring Hulopo'e Bay and beach, Sweetheart Rock (Pu'u Pehe), Shark's Bay, and the mountains of Maui in the background.

A Complete Guide to Planning a Day Trip to Lanai from Maui

Plan the perfect day trip from Maui to Lanai with this complete guide. Discover the best activities and tips for…

Sunset. Lanai, Hawaii. Sweetheart rock. Puu Pehe.

Why Day Trips to Lanai Are the Best Kept Secret of Maui

Find out about the beauty and attractions of Lanai that make it a must-visit destination for your next adventure.

Sunset over Lanai

Exploring Lanai’s Beaches: A Day Tripper’s Guide

From secluded coves to popular spots, explore the beauty of Lanai's coastline with helpful tips and insights.

Lanai, Hawaii. Garden of the Gods. Dirt road and rock.

The Pros and Cons of Taking a Day Trip to Lanai

Considering a day trip to Lanai? Discover the pros and cons of this adventure to help you make an informed decision…

Aerial panoramic view of the island of Lanai, Hawaii, a short ferry ride from Maui, the mountains of which can be seen in the background to the right.

Frequently Asked Questions About Day Trips to Lanai

Find answers to common questions about day trips to Lanai in this helpful FAQ section, covering everything from…