(All Reviews) Page 14) Top 10 Marine Life Tours, Oahu tours & activities, fun things to do in Oahu | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Top 10 Marine Life Tours in Oahu

Overall Rating

4.34 4.34 / 5


1497 reviews

North Shore Shark Adventures - Oahu Cage Diving Tour with Waikiki Transportation

Definitely worth it!!

Reviewed by: werduffy, 2018/07/24

Great activity when visiting Hawaii!

Crew was great and the pics were amazing!!

Book the early times for the best viewing and less chance of weather cancellation

Recommend taking Dramamine for the trip even if you have an iron stomach

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/07/21
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: まぁたん, 2018/07/24





Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/07/18
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: kat, 2018/07/23


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/07/16
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: 4人ファミリー, 2018/07/22


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/07/19
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West Oahu Snorkel Cruise with Dolphin Watch, Kayak, SUP, Waterslide & Lunch

Awesome experience

Reviewed by: Tobi, 2018/07/21

It was an awesome experience. The crew was very friendly and nice. The bus was nice and new and comfortable. I however did get a little sea sick so I would recommend taking motion sickness pills to help. Also I would bring a towel

Comments from activity operators

Aloha Tobi,
Mahalo for your 5-Star review! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. Motion sickness medication is a great recommendation, especially if it is something a guest is prone to. We offer PSI bands for sale on every tour for those who forget, as well. We are glad you enjoyed the crew and were comfortable on the bus. Please come again some day, and consider joining us for our other And You Creations tours! Aloha!

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/07/20
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: MYR, 2018/07/21


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/07/14
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: mmm, 2018/07/21


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/07/12
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: shin, 2018/07/19


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/07/11
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: gohira, 2018/07/17


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/07/11
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: まきんぼ, 2018/07/17





Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/07/11
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Shark Diving Hawaii - Cageless Pelagic Snorkel Tour with FREE Photos & Videos

Great Shark experience!! Bucket list you can cross off.

Reviewed by: Santa Kevin Scott , 2018/07/16

The guys on boat really do a great job. We had a lot of sharks around and great memories made. We will be coming back again for sure. Only wish a few other types of sharks would have joined us. A hammerhead or tiger shark would have been a treat. I studied sharks in Oceanography for 3 years. So know a ton about sharks. Loved every second of being in the water with them.

  • Here I go getting a close up shot. Grandson took this with his GoPro.

  • I dove down for a great view and shots. Shot with GoPro.

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/07/13
1 people find this helpful!
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Shark Diving Hawaii - Cageless Pelagic Snorkel Tour with FREE Photos & Videos


Reviewed by: A&H, 2018/07/15

So amazing!!! My husband and I have looked over our footage everyday since

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/07/12
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: wataoi, 2018/07/15


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/07/12
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: Kaguya, 2018/07/15


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/07/11
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: リッキー, 2018/07/11


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/25
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ノースショア・シャーク・アドベンチャー 迫力満点!至近距離で野生のサメを見学 送迎付きプランあり


Reviewed by: Tomo, 2018/07/09


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/05/10
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: ながの, 2018/07/08




Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/07/04
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West Oahu Snorkel Cruise with Dolphin Watch, Kayak, SUP, Waterslide & Lunch

Fantastic Morning Dolphins and You Ocean Fun Cruise!

Reviewed by: Cathy, Pittsburgh, 2018/07/03

We had a great morning cruise with Dolphins and You. The local crew (certified life guards and professional entertainers!) were very friendly and full of energy. They explained everything in both English and Japanese since there were quite a large number of Japanese tourists on our 40 person tour. There was music and dancing on the way to the spinner dolphin site. We sat at the back of the boat and enjoyed the sun and sea air; thank goodness we had lots of sunscreen! I wear glasses and there were prescription masks on the boat so I could see everything clearly.

The crew-led Hawaiian chant and orchid offering when we entered the dolphin site brought us good luck. The crew went in the water with us and pointed out several pods of dolphins swimming right by. I wanted to stay with the dolphins longer, but we had another scheduled stop. At the snorkeling site, a sea turtle swam right under our group and there were lots of fish all around. The inflatable water slide, “surfboard” and kayak added to the fun. For lunch we had cheeseburgers on taro buns with bags of chips — very tasty. The crew sang and danced a couple of hulas on the way back; a perfect ending to a great morning!

We drove from our hotel, arrived at the Waianae Boat Harbor early, and were a little concerned when we didn’t see any signs for Dolphins and You. However, a bus with Dolphins and You on the side pulled into the parking lot right where they said to meet at the specified meeting time. Be sure to take Dramamine if you think you might get motion sickness. Several people on the cruise got sick, even though I didn’t think it was very rough. I took a Dramamine before we left on the Dolphins and You cruise and was fine (I had gotten sick on a previous snorkel trip to Molokini off of Maui). Definitely APPLY SUNSCREEN early and often...the sun is very strong on the water.

  • Spinner Dolphins

  • Yellow Tang and Partial Trigger Fish

  • Underwater at the snorkel site

Comments from activity operators

Aloha Cathy, and mahalo for your 5-star review! We appreciate you taking the time to share your detailed and thoughtful review of our tour! And we're so glad that you appreciated the extra dose of Aloha that is unique to Dolphins and You :).
We could not agree more with your suggestions of Dramamine and sunscreen use. That's the best way to stay comfortable on the water. We also recommend reef-safe sunscreen (which we offer in our office in Waikiki) to protect both your skin AND Hawaii's fragile coral reefs! Thank you again for your review. Please come again some day!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/27
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West Oahu Snorkel Cruise with Dolphin Watch, Kayak, SUP, Waterslide & Lunch

A morning on the *Swim with Dolphins Ocean Fun Cruise.*

Reviewed by: Bruce Randolph, 2018/06/30

We’ve been on snorkeling cruises in the past (some out of Waianae Boat Harbor) but never with this company. We visit Hawaii often (my wife was born and raised in the islands) we view island activities with a critical eye. This was a super dolphin/snorkel trip. The cruise is on a smaller boat, which has the advantage of offering a smaller group of people, a more intimate experience, and a little more adventurous ride - I like all three. Staff on these boats are there to 1. Offer safety 2. Offer service and 3. Offer fun and adventure. The Dolphin’s and You staff were excellent on all counts. I’ve seen the “fun” part on other boats get a little smarmy, but the staff on this boat really did a great job of encouraging people to participate and enjoy themselves without being overly “slick” or pushy. They also had some talented people who shared music I found enjoyable.
I take my own pictures with underwater stills and video. The videographer/photographer on the trip did a super job and was kind enough to show me some great shots while still attending to everyone on board. I wish I could say that about all the snorkeling/watching tours we’ve been on.
Overall I’d say this was a really good trip - for anyone - experienced or novice. Tips: If you have motion sickness, or aren’t sure if you have motion sickness, take dramamine. Do it. Take sunscreen - Use it. If you’re not familiar with photography (above and below water) leave your gear at home. Experience the trip and allow the professional the ship provides offer you some of the best shots you’ll ever see - most likely better images than you can take yourself. Fooling with gear and worrying about taking pictures, will detract from the memories you can make just being in the water and seeing the amazing things the crew will show you.
There are lifetime memories you can take away from a half-day trip like this. It might *seem* pricey to some, but I assure you that it is worth every cent and you’ll be ready for more.

  • Saw spinner dolphins, turtles and a wonderful variety of sealife

Comments from activity operators

Aloha Bruce! Thank you so much for your sincere 5-Star review.
We so appreciate you taking the time to offer this genuine feedback and to provide tips for other guests. We agree with your suggestions on all counts! Coming from a guest who has been on many tours and a photographer, this review means a lot. We invite you to come and try out our waterfall hike tour Nature and You or our circle-island tour Island and You on one of your trips back to the island, as well!
Mahalo and A Hui Hou Kākou!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/27
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

Unique Experience !!!

Reviewed by: Tony, 2018/06/30

This adventure was more than what we expected. We first boarded a boat that took us out to the submarine. We entered a small port hatch that lowered us into a surprisingly large submarine that held over 63 individuals. We dove to a depth of over 112 feet and saw all manor of marine life around sunken ships and airplanes. We experienced fish and sea turtles nestled among the wreckage along with eels along the coral. To say this was a unique experience was an understatement. How often do you get to go 100+ feet under water and see marine life in their natural inhabitant?

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/24
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: masakigu, 2018/06/25


  • 沈没船付近を回遊するウミガメ

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/20
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: ミックン, 2018/06/25


Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/06/22
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アトランティス潜水艦ツアー 水深30mのハワイの海底アドベンチャー <ヒルトン・ハワイアン・ビレッジ発/日本語オーディオガイドアプリ提供あり>


Reviewed by: こゆき, 2018/06/21


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/15
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Shark Diving Hawaii - Cageless Pelagic Snorkel Tour with FREE Photos & Videos

Once in a lifetime experience!

Reviewed by: Christine, 2018/06/18

I was a little unsure about what to expect but once we got on the boat the tour guide did an awesome job of making us feel more comfortable. He explained everything and was very professional. It was amazing to be so close to the sharks and to have a new understanding of them. I would do it again for sure.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/06/12
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ノースショア・シャーク・アドベンチャー 迫力満点!至近距離で野生のサメを見学 送迎付きプランあり


Reviewed by: ポニョ, 2018/06/18


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2018/06/13
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Ko Olina Ocean Adventures Snorkel with Wild Dolphins Rafting Tour [Open Soon]


Reviewed by: ebr, 2018/06/16

Had a wonderful time. The team worked really hard to make sure EVERYONE had a great time; even my granddaughter who was too afraid to swim with the dolphins or snorkel.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/06/13
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

Really enjoyed the boat ride and submarine!

Reviewed by: H. Toomey, 2018/06/15

Great experience! Kids really enjoyed themselves. The tour guy on the submarine was hilarious! The boat ride out to the submarine was really nice and got to see some beautiful scenery. Everyone was very friendly! Have to do it if your here, we wanted to do things that we aren’t able to do back home.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2018/06/12
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West Oahu Snorkel Cruise with Dolphin Watch, Kayak, SUP, Waterslide & Lunch

Amazing experience!

Reviewed by: Talisha Jackson , 2018/06/13

This was such an incredible experience. Within minutes of leaving the harbour, there were dolphins next to our boat. We got in the water, and the pods of dolphins were swimming around us the whole time we were in there. When we moved to the snorkeling spot, again there were dolphins swimming straight under us and turtles swimming along the surface. They had great water activities at the snorkel spot, such is the SUP and trampoline. The staff were having so much fun, which made all the guests have heaps of fun. If you needed anything, they were happy to help. This was a highlight of our whole trip. Would highly recommend.

Comments from activity operators

Aloha Talisha,

Thank you so much for your fantastic review! It's so good to hear that this was the best part of your vacation. That's when we know we hit the target! Mahalo for sharing your experience, and we hope to have you back on board again some day!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/06/09
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野生のイルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリングクルーズ フラやSUPなど充実のマリンアクティビティ<ランチ付き/ワイキキ&コオリナ送迎/日本語/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: Hiro, 2018/06/10

自分は波酔いしてしまって後半滑り台とかで遊べなかったですが妻が他の参加者の方と謳歌していました :)

Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2018/06/04
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Waikiki Submarine Tour - Descend to 100ft, See Shipwrecks & Sunken Airplanes

First Time experience

Reviewed by: Nunia T., 2018/06/09

This trip was the first time we have ever been on a submarine and we are glad we did it as it was one of the best experiences of our lives. My boyfriend Daniel and I were booked on the Premium Seats which I definitely recommend as those windows are much larger. The staff members are very knowledgeable and always looking out for your safety. You will first board the ship that will then sail out to take you to the submarine dock. The sail is really beautiful as you get to see Waikiki and diamond head on the way. When loading into the Submarine they ensure that your safety comes first and are very careful about every little details. During the submarine tour we went as deep as 110ft and it was just wonderful. Everything is super blue and you get to see a lot of different varieties of fishes, treasures and coral reefs. Also the guide and captain are super funny so you will definitely enjoy your time.

  • Day well spent

Attended as: Couples
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