Lala Kitty's Meet & Play Oahu Sea Lion Encounter with Sea Life Park Admission Ticket review, Oahu tours & activities, fun things to do in Oahu |

Review by Lala Kitty for Meet & Play Oahu Sea Lion Encounter with Sea Life Park Admission Ticket

Loved the water doggo!

There was soooo much to do at the park we couldn’t even do it all. I wanted to see the birds and the sharks the most. I think the program was geared towards I let my inner child out to play. The sea lion of course was my favorite part. He was super smart and it was clear that him and the trainer had such a great relationship, almost like a little puppy eager to please. He did show more interest in the trainer than any of us, but that’s to be expected we even still got to pet him!

[Reviewed by Staff]

Rating: star
Attended as:Friends
Posted on: 2024/05/15