(All Reviews) Page 29) Top Hawaii Attractions, Kauai tours & activities, fun things to do in Kauai | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Top Hawaii Attractions in Kauai

Overall Rating

4.70 4.70 / 5


841 reviews

ナ・パリ・コースト クルーズ 立ち入り禁止の聖域「ニイハウ島」沖でのシュノーケリング付き<朝食・ビュッフェ昼食付き/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: 匿名希望, 2006/03/16


Comments from activity operators

It is wonderful hearing how much you enjoyed your trip, and we'd like to thank you for joining us out on the water! We are elated to know how well taken care of you felt, and how much you enjoyed our staff. We hope to see you again soon! Mahalo and Aloha

Attended as: Couples
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