(All Reviews) Page 26) Kona, Big Island tours & activities, fun things to do in Big Island | HawaiiActivities.com

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All Reviews for Kona in Big Island

Overall Rating

4.60 4.60 / 5


2990 reviews

ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: AkiP, 2020/03/16



Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/03/05
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: MAY, 2020/03/14



  • 2頭

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/03/03
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Deluxe Captain Cook Snorkeling Tour at Kealakekua Bay - Fair Wind Cruises

snorkelling, great trip

Reviewed by: D & J, 2020/03/14

staff were great, boat not over crowded, facilities & service was terrific

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/03/05
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: T.S, 2020/03/09


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/03/03
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Speedi Shuttle Kona Airport Transportation Service

Great early pick-up service to get to the airport.

Reviewed by: KC , 2020/03/09

The early morning ride to the Kona airport with Kona Airport Transportation (Speedi Shuttle) went very well.
The driver called in advance to let me know he would be arriving soon & he was quite polite & helpful as I was dragging my luggage down to the pick-up point.
Definitely worth using again.

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2019/05/14
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: まいまい, 2020/03/09


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/02/16
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: ひいらぎ, 2020/03/06





Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2020/02/09
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Sea Quest Kealakekua Bay Snorkel Tour & Rafting Sea Cave Expedition

A great time!

Reviewed by: Erin, 2020/03/04

This was a fun way to spend my birthday. The captain and crew were super relaxed and funny, and the small size of the boat allowed for a sense of camaraderie and fun, as we zoomed through the water at high speeds (make sure to hold on!). Loved this intimate experience rather than some big show boat with a ton of people onboard.

  • Happy after the snorkeling tour

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/02/20
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Atlantis Kona Submarine Tour & Undersea Adventure - Descend up to 100 feet

Tons of Fun!

Reviewed by: BBS, 2020/03/02

We would definitely recommend and do this again! We had a blast!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/02/04
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー アイランド・ブリーズ・ルアウ(キングカメハメハホテル内)<ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


Reviewed by: shi, 2020/03/01


  • いろいろな衣装に着替えて奇麗でした。

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/02/09
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Kona Whale Watch Tour & Rafting Adventure - Captain Zodiac [Dec-Mar]

Getting bounced around to kingdom come!! ;-(

Reviewed by: Michelle, 2020/02/28

Well, we were very excited to go on this tour. We have gone out in Alaska on whale tours and had a blast. First of all we noticed that the "safety" protocols were not very obvious. There were 12 guests on board and we noticed ONE life jacket. You basically scream across the water for over an hour, sitting on the edge of the raft and got bounced to kingdom come. We did see a mama and baby whale, which was nice. But, we both got sick on the boat. The staff was nice, but not overly accommodating with our throwing up and getting sick.

Comments from activity operators

Aloha, I'm sorry you get seasick, when on a whale watch the raft does sit and bob around for a good hour while looking at whales. Upon boarding there is a short briefing on where to put your foot and where the life vests are, the one up front is just out for demonstration and looks. Each boat has 18 adult and 4 child life jackets and the area is labeled above the hatch. The raft is an adventure that can be bumpy but since 10 other guest were on board for a three hour tour our hands are tied with cutting the trip short to accommodate seasick passengers. There is not much in our control except hoping people take seasick precautions before our boarding a boat. We do have ginger ale on board to help those tummies rumbles. Hope we can see you again and change your mind about our rafting adventure.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/02/25
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6名限定!ハワイ島 野生のイルカウォッチング+ケアラケクア湾シュノーケリングツアー<午前/英語ガイド/軽食付>


Reviewed by: よよいの, 2020/02/26


① 船上での船長との会話はすべて英語となりますが、日本語専用のデスクを設けておられるので何かあったときには日本語でやり取りしてもらえます。(スケジュールの関係で連絡をしないといけないことがありましたが、日本語でご対応いただき助かりました)
② 少人数制であること。
③ ヌードル(棒状の浮き輪)があるので、多少泳ぎに自身がなくても安心。
④ マスク、シュノーケル、フィン、ウェットスーツを無料で貸し出ししてもらえます。

実際にイルカが見えたときには、すぐに飛び込まずイルカの様子を伺い、私たちとイルカが近づけるチャンスを待ちました。その際、他のツアーの船などが往来し、イルカの速度があがったり逃げてしまったりで なかなか飛び込むことができない場合がありますが、船上から船長の指示をじっと待ち、GOサインがでたらいざ海へ!!そのあとはイルカに近づいて並走を楽しみました。


<個人的 おすすめ持参品>
① 船上は屋根はありますが、日差しがきつい場合と、船での移動中は寒いときがあるので軽く羽織れる服を持参すると良いと思います。
② “使い慣れた”防水カメラを持参することを激しくお勧めします。イルカの泳ぐ速度は早いので、もたついていると撮影できません。(スマホのカメラは落とす危険があることと、起動に時間がかかる場合や画面が見づらいもありますので、、) また、防水カメラへは手から離れてしまっても浮くアクセサリを付けていると良いと思います。

① イルカは野生なので、日にちによっては見ることができない可能性もあるそうです。会えることを祈りましょう。
② イルカへは触れません。(イルカが病気になってしまう可能性があるため) イルカ側から近寄ってきて一緒に遊んでくれるのではなく、泳いでいるところを一緒に泳がせてもらう感じでした。(基本、ヌードル必須で泳ぐことになると思います。潜水しても良いかどうかは直接お問合せいただいたほうが良いと思います。)
③ ドルフィンスイム以外(クジラ探しやシュノーケリング等)は、ドルフィンスイムにかける時間により、あったり短くなったりだと思います。(いずれにせよ、イルカは9時半ごろからは寝るために居なくなるそうです)
④  日本の文化には無いですが、アクティビティに満足されたらチップを渡しましょう。

長々と説明しましたが、本当に充実した時間だったので この経験をさせてくださったコナ・オーシャン・エクスペリエンスに感謝したく、

  • 運よく、15頭くらいの群れに遭遇しました

  • こんなに近くを泳ぐことができました!

  • 自分が泳いでいる下をスッと追い抜いていきました

  • 余った時間でスノーケリングを楽しみました。

  • 海岸沿いのボートツアーも楽しかったです!

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2020/02/16
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー アイランド・ブリーズ・ルアウ(キングカメハメハホテル内)<ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


Reviewed by: Akemi, 2020/02/26


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2020/02/23
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Kohala Whale Watching Tour by Ocean Sports | Kids 0-5 Ride for Free [Dec - Mar]

Up close and personal!

Reviewed by: lee, 2020/02/26

Amazing! Our guide spotted a whale right away, and he swam around and around the ship for an hour.

  • Well hello!

Comments from activity operators

Thank you for joining us aboard that very special cruise (and posting the photo). We wish that could happen on every Whale Watch cruise, but it's really up to the Humpbacks! Looking forward to sharing more adventures with you the next time you're in "our neighborhood"!
Mahalo and A Hui Hou Kakou!

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/01/30
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Kona Glassbottom Boat & Guided Coral Reef Tour with Marine Naturalist

We enjoyed our time! Beautiful fish

Reviewed by: Jan2020, 2020/02/23

Seeing the difference colored fish. Very informative on fish, life and friendly

Comments from activity operators

Thank you for the review. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed the colorful fish and informative narration.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/01/29
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: ari, 2020/02/22


Comments from activity operators

Mahalo! It was great sharing the adventure with you!

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2020/01/28
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Deluxe Volcano Unveiled Tour and Golden Lava Cave Expedition with Lunch & Dinner

A very educational and fun tour

Reviewed by: TT's mom, 2020/02/19

Pick up was right on time!
Our guide Matt was very knowledgeable and passionate about Hawaii island from legends to Hawaii original plants and animals. He kept entertaining us until his voice got hoarse! My favorite part of the tour was definitely the lava tube. it's really amazing!! The way to and from the lava tube is super bumpy and rough. If you get motion sickness, you should take medication for it. I brought kids (12 and 10) with us and they enjoyed themselves as well. Hiking was very mild so anyone can enjoy this tour, I think.

Attended as: Families with Young Children
Activity Date: 2020/02/18
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6名限定!ハワイ島 野生のイルカウォッチング+ケアラケクア湾シュノーケリングツアー<午前/英語ガイド/軽食付>


Reviewed by: mog, 2020/02/19





Comments from activity operators


Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/01/22
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: ノブオジージ, 2020/02/16


Comments from activity operators

Mahalo - we are honored you were able to join us!

Attended as: Couples
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伝統ルアウ&フラ・ハワイアンショー ボイジャーズ・オブ・ザ・パシフィック(ロイヤルコナリゾート内)<月・火・水・金催行/ブッフェ夕食/飲み放題/シェルレイ付>


Reviewed by: TIRO, 2020/02/16


Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2020/02/11
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ クジラと近距離&スリル満点!ラフティングボート「キャプテン・ゾディアック号」<3時間/1~3月/カイルアコナ発>


Reviewed by: totto, 2020/02/13


  • 少し遠かったですがなんとか撮影

  • 大好きなイルカちゃんカマイルカ?

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2020/02/08
1 people find this helpful!
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ハワイ島 ケアラケクア湾 シュノーケリングツアー <軽食付き/英語ガイド>


Reviewed by: Erica, 2020/02/12

ガイドは英語ですが、歴史の知識も豊富で聞けばなんでも答えてくれます。また珊瑚保護のため、環境に優しい日焼け止めも無料で使用させてもらえます。本当に水がキレイな場所なのでたくさんのかわいい魚たちを見ることができました!2月でしたが、ラッシュガードなしで楽しめました。少し寒くてフルタイムで水の中に入っていられなかったですが…笑 シュノーケルの後、船の上でフレッシュフルーツとスナック、飲み物を用意してくれますよ!とても良かったです!

  • 船乗り場のケアウホウ湾

  • キャプテンクック碑

Comments from activity operators

Mahalo nui for your 5 star recommendation and for choosing Dolphin Discoveries! We hope to see you on your next visit to the Big Island. A hui hou (until next time)!

Attended as: Friends
Activity Date: 2020/02/08
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Mauna Kea Summit Adventures Sunset & Stargazing Guided Tour with Transportation

Honeymoon Highlight!

Reviewed by: MsTravelGal, 2020/02/11

I wouldn't give this tour five stars...I give it as many stars as there are in the Mauna Kea sky! This tour was easily the highlight of our trip on the Big Island! We enjoyed every minute of it. The sunset was absolutely gorgeous, and to see it from such a high elevation was quite remarkable. I was glad that we had plenty of time before and after the sunset to walk around, take in the view, and get some good pictures.

The dinner was very good but if you don't like lasagna there's a microwave at VIS if you want to bring your own food.

The road to the summit is a bit bumpy, but that's to be expected since it's a volcano. So take motion sickness meds if you're prone to carsickness. And if you get cold easily, definitely bring layers! They provide parkas and gloves but you might also want to bring a hat or scarf and thick socks.

Throughout the tour, the guide provided a very entertaining and educational narrative. It's obvious that he's passionate about Mauna Kea and Hawaii. He's basically a walking encyclopedia of Hawaii and provided all kinds of interesting information about Mauna Kea's geology and history, and also talked about Hawaiian culture and why Mauna Kea is a sacred place. He also did an excellent job of guiding the stargazing and pointing out constellations, star clusters, and planets, most of which we got to see through a telescope. I think my favorite part of the stargazing was getting to see the Andromeda galaxy through the telescope.

If you're going to the Big Island, this tour is a must!

  • View from the Visitor Information Station, 9k feet elevation.

  • The snow capped summit

  • Some of the Mauna Kea telescopes

  • Watching the sunset from above the clouds was surreal

  • This picture is nothing compared to the real thing!

Attended as: Couples
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ホエールウォッチングクルーズ <12~3月/午前/軽食付き/ワイコロアまたはカワイハエ港発>


Reviewed by: Go Inoue, 2020/02/11


  • シッポも見えた!

Comments from activity operators

Mahalo! We're so happy you were able to join us aboard!

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/02/08
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Mauna Kea Summit Adventures Sunset & Stargazing Guided Tour with Transportation

Highlight of my Big Island trip. Must do!

Reviewed by: Michael, 2020/02/11

This Mauana Kea summit and stargazing tour was phenomenal. The first stop is at the visitor center around 9k feet elevation. Here you can look through a couple telescopes, walk through the museum, and you will be served your hot dinner (we had veggie lasagna and it was good). While you are here it is good to eat and drink alot of water so your body can acclimate to the higher altitudes ahead. Next stop is the summit up to almost 14k feet! The Vans they take up are heavy duty and they need to be because of the rocky road leading up the mountain. I would not reccomend taking a rental/personal vehicle up this mountain. The road is rocky, thin, and windy. The guides for this tour have been doing it for years and know the road well. On the way up the guides will give you some commentary about the mountain which is a cool little history lesson. At the top it is cold and the oxygen is thin, so be ready! They provide you with a winter coat and gloves but I recommend bringing your own hat. The views from the summit are outstanding. Watching the sun set from up there is really remarkable, and you can walk around to the 12 massive telescopes up there to take pictures. After the summit you will descend a couple thousand feet to the star gazing location. With no light pollution and at the high altitude it provides for the star gazing experience of a lifetime. I have never seen the sky lit up so brightly with constellations. The guides will break out a couple of heavy duty telescopes from the vans so you can get an even closer look. They will educate you about the constellations and give alot of really good information. Overall this is an impeccable tour and a must do if you are going to the Big Island!

Attended as: Couples
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Kona Glassbottom Boat & Guided Coral Reef Tour with Marine Naturalist


Reviewed by: Colin, 2020/02/09

We found this trip rather disappointing. It was supposed to last for an hour but we returned to the pier after 50 minutes. In the event we had probably seen all there was to see after 20 minutes. You see rather dull brown/grey coral, some small blue and yellow fish and some sea urchins - No wrays or sharks or anything unusual. In fact the guide started to describe the history of the buildings on the shoreline as we headed back. Not worth the money.

Comments from activity operators

Sorry to hear that you found our tour disappointing. The tour is one hour from when you get on to when you get off, that does mean that it is about 50 min of actual tour time, we appreciate the insight, maybe we can explore making the tour last a bit longer.
The coral in Hawaii is naturally more neutral in color than other places in the world. However, Kona has amazingly clear waters and colorful fish. Many fish are relatively small so they can live on the reef and fit in the cracks and crevices of the coral. We do not guarantee shark and ray sightings. Though, sometimes we see large interesting creatures like that. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed in what Kona's reef has to offer. Most guests express that they find the natural coral ecosystem to be amazing.
Many passengers are interested in the history of the bay including some of the historic buildings. The time when we are heading back and have a good view of the buildings is the perfect time to discuss it.

Attended as: Couples
Activity Date: 2020/02/06
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Kona Airport Shuttle Transportation (KOA) by Roberts Hawaii [Open Now]

Dependable service, as always

Reviewed by: Vickie, 2020/02/08

I booked Roberts Hawaii airport shuttle through Hawaii Activities, and, as always, their service was excellent. The wonderful driver provided answers to many of my questions about the area.

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2020/01/27
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Speedi Shuttle Kona Airport Transportation Service

The Best!

Reviewed by: Vickie, 2020/02/08

After having to make a last-minute shuttle reservation from my hotel to the Kona airport, HawaiianActivities went out of their way to book me with Speedi Shuttle who went out of their way to provide me with shuttle service. The driver was prompt, efficient and was a pleasure to chat with about the area. I will definitely book with them in the future.

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2020/02/05
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Speedi Shuttle Kona Airport Transportation Service


Reviewed by: Sherry, 2020/02/02

Punctual, friendly door to door service. Would't hesitate to use them again!

Attended as: Solo Travelers
Activity Date: 2020/01/30
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Sea Paradise 3-Hour Afternoon Kealakekua Bay & Captain Cook Snorkel Tour

Amazing time

Reviewed by: Lover of Hawaii, 2020/02/01

The Catamaran ride was very smooth and comfortable. The crew was wonderful and very informative. Once in the water we had seen a large variety of fish and rays. I would highly recommend this adventure.

Comments from activity operators


Mahalo Nui Loa for taking the time to review us. We are so happy to hear you had a wonderful time with our crew and out on the water. We hope to see you on your next visit :)

Attended as: Families
Activity Date: 2018/10/09
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